
11 Movie Moments From The 90s That Still Make Us Cry

When we were young, we weren't ashamed to be totally heartbroken over the fate of our favorite cartoon characters. Now, as adults, we're still heartbroken but just a little ashamed about it.We were so unprepared to deal with the wave of emotions these 11 scenes brought on. And let's be honest, we probably always will be. Grab a tissue!1. The Iron GiantWarner Bros.Knowing that Vin Diesel is the voice behind this 50-foot-tall metal robot from outer space just makes it even more strange when we get all sad and weepy about him at the end of the


You Guys, The Man Behind Barney Now Runs A Tantric Sex Company

If you're still holding onto fond memories of Barney the dinosaur, I suggest you stop reading this immediately. Every kid watched Barney growing up; it was almost like a right of passage. You knew the songs, you knew the characters, and you knew you wanted to be one of the kids who was on the show. Barney WikiThe man behind the suit, David Joyner, led a fairly normal life before becoming a childhood icon, though he did have some odd jobs. "I would stand in store windows and I would stand there as a mannequin, just frozen," he recalled. IMDbBut


"The Mighty Ducks" To Take The Ice Again In A New TV Reboot

If you grew up in the 90s, then you couldn't escape The Mighty Ducks mania, whether you liked sports or not.The first part of the film trilogy debuted in 1992, and told the story of attorney Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez), who was sentenced to coach a pee-wee hockey team as part of his community service following a DUI arrest. Thanks to Bombay's experience as a former hockey player, he helped the District 5 team (later named the Ducks) become successful and even secure a spot in the playoffs. Digital SpyCritically, the movie, which also starred Joss Ackland, Lane Smith,


Pauly Shore Was The Surprise Star of the 90s, But Where Has He Been Since?

Becoming a comedic legend isn't easy. Sometimes it happens when you're least expecting it. For Pauly Shore, it happened so fast that he almost missed it. Buena Vista PicturesIn the early 90s, Shore landed a coveted VJ spot on MTV. He managed to build his brand enough to secure himself a spot in the surprise hit Encino Man with Brendan Frasier. The movie became a huge hit (much to the surprise of everyone) and so suddenly Shore became a hot commodity. Buena Vista PicturesIt wasn't all simple for Shore. He had a lot of bad reviews and many movies flopped


10 Cover Songs Done By 90s Artists That Were Better Than The Original

When you hear a great song on the radio, do you ever wonder if it's an original or a cover? Many times we think artists are performing this song for the first time when really it has been around for decades. This includes some of your favorite 90s artists who have completely nailed these classics, so much that they have made it their own.10. "Yesterday" Boyz II MenWhile you remember Boyz II Men singing the beautiful ballad in 1994, they weren't the first to lend their voices to it. In fact this song has been covered more than 2200


10 Things That Smell Like Your Childhood

Ever smell something that immediately takes you back to your childhood? Here's a list of 10 things your life hasn't been the same without: 1. Lip SmackersMy mom stopped buying these for me after I started eating all the good flavours. Fragrantica2. Mr. Sketch MarkersAh, the days when sniffing markers was encouraged. Super Coupon3. CrayonsThis smell is so distinct that every time I smell it, I am instantly brought back to colouring a dog that resembles more of a potato with legs. Mashable4. Old Textbooks That smell of 50-year-old dust hitting your face as soon as you open a textbook.


There Are Alternate Lyrics To 'I Want It That Way' And It Changes Everything

You are my fire, the one desire. These seven words are able to immediately spark a song in your head faster than almost any other. If you were around in the 90s, then you know every word to this Backstreet Boys classic, even though half of them don't make any sense. We never really understood it when we tried to figure it out in the 90s, but it was still one of the greatest Backstreet Boys songs of all time. Now when you look back, it is easy to see that it's probably about a breakup. He wants it that