
90s And 00s Beauty Crimes We Were All Guilty Of

When looking back on our old photos, we can't help but think, "What was I thinking?" This era was a really rough time for the beauty community and I hope we can all just forget it ever happened.. Here's a list of eight beauty crimes we all committed:1. The skinny browI feel like this looks even worse now that big brows are in. I hope this trend never comes back, it was painful trying to keep up with tiny brows.instyle2. The top ponyYou know that ponytail coming from the top of your head looking like a waterfall? That's


Mullets Are Trying To Come Back And It'll Make You Wonder Wtf Is Going On With The World

We all remember the years of the mullet right? It was a dark time. A scary time. A time when logic died. "Business in the front, party in the back!" Who really believed that? Sure, there are still some people out there, you know who you are, who have been rocking the mullet non-stop for decades now, but they know they are in the minority. The style fell out of popularity somewhere in the early 90s, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. The mullet was gone. No more tall mullets. Total BeautyNo more curly mullets.


Scrunchies Are Back In Style But They've Been Given A New Name And A Crazy New Price Tag

Who else still owns scrunchies? Everyone, right? They are perfect to hold up all that hair, especially if you want to leave it crease free, not to mention they look super cute and remind us all of the glorious 90s. Well, apparently they have been out of style for a while now (news to me) but they are starting to make their comeback. The only thing is, they have a brand new name. That's right, people are trying to 'rebrand' scrunchies to help make them cool again. Not only are they getting a new name, but they are getting a


5 Fragrances You Were Obsessed With In The 80s And 90s That Are Actually Still Available

There a few fragrances that bring you right back to your childhood in the 80s and 90s. Whether they were scents you wanted to wear, or what your mom had on, the memories seem to come flooding back as soon as it hits your nose. Have you ever looked back on those fragrances from the 80s and 90s and wished you could buy them again? Well, a lot of them are actually still available! Here are the 5 best scents of the 80s and 90s that you can still buy today. 1. Chanel Coco - $100The Non BlondeThere was no


10 Celebrity Eyebrow Disasters From The '90s That Will Make You Cringe

Listen, we were all guilty of it, it was just a sign of the times. What are we talking about? Eyebrows. They were perhaps the most intensely groomed feature of our bodies, and yet there was hardly anything to them.Every celebrity in the world seemed to subscribe to these ultra thin brows in the 90s. Well, everyone except Brooke Shields, but she was one of a kind. Everyone else seemed to tweeze their eyebrows until there was only the thinnest of lines. Literally a pencil line would cover them. Luckily the super thin brows have fallen out of style,


Tooth Gems Are Making A Comeback And All We Can Say Is "Why?"

As much as we loved the 90s, and the gems that it gave us, we can't deny that the decade produced very questionable trends. From super skinny eyebrows, to blue shadows and tendrils, we made enough cringe-worthy beauty choices to last a lifetime. But since 2017 is seeing a 90s revival, some of the styles we embraced way back when are making a comeback.  CosmopolitanMore recently, people have been revisiting the unnecessary trend that is the "tooth gem," and we're not sure how to feel about it. In case you tried to forget about tooth gems are, here's a


The Most Iconic Style Trend From The Early 2000s Is Back And Everyone Is Wondering Why

Fashion and beauty seem to be cyclical in nature. Whatever was stylish at one point seems to always make its comeback. The problem is, we don't always want it to happen. The late 90s and early millennium were an interesting time to be alive. There were a lot of really low-cut pants with high-rise underwear, crop tops, and so many hair extensions. One of the more notorious style choices we remember from that time period was the chunky highlights. Everyone from Christina to Kelly Clarkson was rocking the look. It was happening all over the place. RCAPeople would either start


15 Old Caboodles Cases That You Know You Filled With Lip Smackers

We all had them. They were basically a requirement to be considered a preteen. What am I talking about? A Caboodles makeup case, obviously! Mirror80Getting one of these makeup cases was one of the ways that you knew you were growing up! As soon as you were old enough to own enough makeup or nail polish to necessitate a Caboodles case, you knew you were about to enter the days of training bras and teen magazines. You were becoming a real teen and it was time to pick the case that would accompany you on this dramatic period of your


20 Magazine Ads That Will Remind You Just How Important Hair Was In The 80s

Hair was VERY important in the 80s. There was some kind of law that seemed to state that it had to absolutely be as big as possible. What was the best way to ensure your hair was the appropriate height and width? The right shampoo of course! GiphyFinding the right hair products wasn't always easy, but at least they made hundreds of advertisements for us to narrow down our choices. How many of these do you recognize? "Because you're always in the mood to feel beautiful." EbayDo birds really need shampoo? Ebay"The new beauty buzzword is honey" EbayYou've got


25 Avon Products That Will Take You Right Back To Your Childhood

Everyone remembers that one lady in their neighborhood who would come around with those Avon catalogs each month. Sometimes, our moms would even have a little party with all of their friends and go through all the new stuff. AvonIt was one of those things as a distinct part of our childhoods even though Avon is obviously still going strong to this day. Some of the products still stick out to us now even though it's been decades since we have seen them, especially the fun stuff that our moms would throw onto their orders! How many of these things