
8 Times MTV Molded Our Childhood

MTV brought us some of our best childhood, and teen memories. From the countdowns, the reality shows and the music awards, MTV taught us everything we probably shouldn't have known about until we were much older, and we loved every minute of it. 1. The Real World.We learned so much from the beginning seasons of this show. I learned way too much about sex, and a very skewed version about what life would be like when i'm in my 20's. This was the type of show that you grew so attached to every character and then once a new

Pop Culture

7 Facts About 'Black Beauty,' The Book That Made Every Kid Completely Obsessed With Horses

It almost seemed as though becoming obsessed with horses was a right of passage. Most of us went through at least a little phase of asking for a pony for Christmas, and pretending like we knew all about the giant animals. Obviously some people kept with it longer than others, but whether or not you are still into horses, chances are you remember reading and watching Black Beauty. The story managed to transcend time, and even though it originally came out in 1877, kids still read it to this day. How much do you really know about the iconic story


15 Things We Grew Up With In The '90s That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

It can be painful to consider just how much time has passed since the '90s (seriously don't think too hard about it) and how much of day-to-day life has changed since then. ImgurBut it's hard not to be reminded when you start to realize some things that were 100% totally fine then are now at best completely unacceptable, and at worst worthy of complete social exile. Here are some of the things we never thought twice about doing in the '90s that we definitely wouldn't get away with today.1. Showing up at someone's house completely unannouncedNobody saw any problems


The 10 Most Popular Baby Names That Basically Every '80s Kid Had

It seemed like everyone had the same names when we were growing up. There were always at least two or three kids in our classes who had the same names and even though they may have spelled it different, it made everything more complicated. Meagan KellyNowadays, parents all claim that they want unique names. Let's be real though, our parents thought the same thing. Trending names are common in every decade, the most popular choices just change. Why do these names get popular? It might be because certain celebrities are popular at the time so it inspires more people. Let's


18 Toys That Seemed Like Freakin' Magic When We Were Kids

There's a famous quote that says "magic's just science that we don't understand yet" and all of these toys are proof of that. As kids these things all seemed like they had to be powered by magic, even though it was mostly just science. Man, I wish life were still that simple. Here are 18 toys that totally blew our minds back then.1. Liquid TimereBayIt was basically just a fancy hourglass, but it was way more fun than just watching a sand one. Tell me that you wouldn't spend just hours watching this if you had the chance.2.


8 Smells That Will Make You Close Your Eyes And Think It's The '90s Again

They say your sense of smell is the most powerful sense you have, and that it can trigger memories that have been locked away for decades. Well, you can't smell through your computer screen (yet), but take a look at some of these pictures and see if you are drawn back to a time of *NSYNC and Sunday morning cartoons!Remember the first time you opened a pack of Bubble Tape? Just breathe in that sweet aroma...YouTubeOh man! This slimy, weird "toy" was all the rage, but can you remember what it smelled like? Especially after it fell behind


10 Toys From Your Childhood You Haven't Thought About In Years

The most important thing to you when you were a kid was your toy collection. There was nothing in the world that mattered more than keeping up with the latest and greatest trends, and finding the next 'cool' thing. Whether it was a a super cool action figure or the newest technological craze that was sweeping the nation, we all had a toy that we loved so much. Even though we loved them at the time, chances are we haven't thought about them since we were young. Here are some of the best toys you completely forgot about. 1. Go