
Check Your Basement: These 13 Magic Cards Are Worth A Small Fortune

When Magic: The Gathering hit the scene in 1993, it changed the world of trading cards forever.Finally, there was a trading card game that older kids weren't embarrassed to be seen playing. Today, 20 million Magic players around the world are still collecting and trading their cards. But even if you've given up on the game, you might want to dig up your old collection.Certain magic cards are worth a bundle online. We've researched the average prices  for 13 of the most valuable cards (in good condition) on MTGPrices. See if any of these are tucked away


10 Game Consoles We Spent Hours Playing But Now Barely Remember

While game companies like Nintendo have been bringing back their classic consoles, the industry has a very selective memory. Not all of the consoles we owned growing up were global hits. In fact, we spent hours playing games on these 10 forgotten systems:1. Sega DreamcastPolygonAh, take your mind back to just before this console's famous 9/9/99 release date. Remember how excited you were? The console's 32-bit graphics were quickly overshadowed by the PlayStation 2, especially since the Dreamcast was launched with barely any great games.While the console was later home to hits like Sonic Adventure, Shen


21 Memories We All Share From Spending Hours Playing Neopets

There are a lot of sights and sounds of the internet from the early 2000s that bring back a flood of memories, but just hearing the word "Neopets" can cause intense flashbacks. We spent hours raising our virtual pets and catering to their every need. If you grew up playing Neopets, these memories are burned into your brain, probably forever.1. First, you had to pick your petsNeopets IncAgh! This is already too much pressure!2. Don't forget to pick up your daily ration of omeletteNeopets Inc.The easiest way to provide for your growing Neo-family.3. And stop by


15 Things From The 1990 Sears Wish Book That Will Make You Miss Being A Kid

There was no piece of mail more exciting than the Sears Wish Book. Each year, it would arrive wrapped in plastic, almost like a gift itself. We would carefully rip into the package and reveal the best resource for all of our Christmas wishlists. We would carefully flip through the pages, and jot down the page numbers and product numbers that we wanted all before we would pass off the Wish Book to our parents. They were always patient with us when we would continuously reference things they had never heard of, probably because they had that super easy guide


15 Toy Commercials From The '90s That We Could Never Forget, Even If We Wanted To

If you wanted to own some of the weirdest and best toys imaginable, the 90s were where you needed to be. Growing up at that time meant you could buy not one, not two, but three different dolls that could pee. It meant that your board games were based around murdering people. It meant that beating up your friends was just a fun good time as long as you covered your fists in balloons. YouTubeEvery toy we had in the 90s was simultaneously the weirdest and best thing ever. I don't know why we thought a lot of these things


The Real History Of Monopoly Is A Lot More Controversial Than You'd Expect

Playing Monopoly with your family and friends was a pretty common thing when you were a kid. A lot of us still try to play it when we hang out in groups, but we all know the game usually ends up with someone frustrated. William WarbyHowever, it turns out, the game we all know and love has a controversial past that they don't want you to know about. Carbon CostumeThe story that the Parker Brothers have been shipping along with their board game is always the same: Charles Darrow invented the game while he was unemployed during the Depression. By


15 Toys That Prove How Much Better Our Childhood Was

Growing up in the 80s and 90s meant that you were lucky enough to own some of the coolest toys that have ever been made. There were just so many good ones to choose between! How many of these iconic toys did you play with when you were young? Barbie Dream HouseFlickriverHaving one of the many different Dream Houses was a pretty important thing when you were young. There were a few different models, but you needed somewhere for your Barbies to live! Whether you had the Barbie Dream House or the Barbie Town House, you were bugging your parents


6 Toy Machines We Were Completely Obsessed With As Kids

Creating something with our own two hands always made the best stuff. It didn't matter if it was a treat or a toy, it was also an activity that kept us busy for hours.  Whether we were making a bunch of shaved ice or melting things into our own toys, we all loved the fact that we were involved in the creative process. There were so many awesome kits to choose between, which one was your favorite? Creepy CrawlersEbayFor anyone who wanted to make a toy that was just a gross and slimy bug, this was the one for


We're Officially Old Enough That All Our Childhood Toys Are Headed To A Museum

Have you ever looked back over your childhood toys and been completely confused why everyone keeps calling them "Vintage"? Well, I guess we all are suddenly a lot older then we thought, because all our old toys are now going into a museum. TripAdvisorThere is a museum in Rochester, New York that is called The Strong Museum. It is also known at the "National Museum of Play" and is probably every kids' dream to go there. Trip AdvisorInside this epic and sprawling museum, you can find over 10,000 board games, hundreds of arcade games, thousands of dolls and action