Pop Culture

13 Ads That Will Make You Appreciate How Much Technology Has Changed Since the '80s

Technology has come a long way in the last few decades. When you look back even ten years ago everything seems so outdated. Oyster MagNow, basically everyone has a little smart phone that they can do pretty much everything they need to do, but back in "the good ol' days" everything was a bit more complicated. These advertisements really give you a little peak into how it used to be, and remind you how much everything has changed.Imagine paying $99 for a brand new gaming system?Huffington PostHey kids, you'll probably do a lot better if you look at


They Couldn't Afford Real Pokemon Cards, So They Made Their Own Hilarious Versions

Pokemon cards were one of the hottest commodities when we were kids. Everyone just had to have that Charizard. The thing was, they were hard to come by and collecting them could get expensive. Of course a lot of kids managed to get a whole bunch of cards together over the years. The problem is that it's been quite some time since the Pokemon hey-day and we don't all have those old collections handy anymore. GiphyWhat happens when you get that sudden rush of nostalgia that can only be soothed by playing one of your favorite childhood games? You improvise.


Microsoft Tried To Kill Their Greatest Creation, But The Internet Wouldn't Let It Die

Everyone panicked when Microsoft announced that that there were a whole bunch of features that they were abandoning in future releases and updates. @Andiblair1492The said they were getting rid of Outlook Express, the Reader app and a few other functions, but the one that caught everyone off guard was them saying that Microsoft Paint would not longer be available. There was panic in the streets! Chaos everywhere you could see! And the sobbing cries of 90s kids who know no system better than Paint. Seriously, just look at the outpouring of love this program got: @DigiUnbox@Laura_Lou81@JustShutUpAdam_@bt_