Pop Culture

8 Movies That Deserve A Second Chance

As the years go by, and ideas for movies and television are stretched to their maximum, we are seeing a number of movies that are being rebooted or remade. Some are far better than others (cough, cough, Spider-Man, Batman), but nine times out of ten, the remakes turn out to be a lot better than the originals. It is just a matter of the movies being ahead of their time, and they just didn't have the technology or resources to do them justice the first time around.Some of them were great for their time, but could become something unimaginable

Pop Culture

7 Times Actors Were High Out Of Their Mind On Set

It shouldn't come as any surprise to you that actors and actresses have been high or drunk out of their minds on set for as long as they have been producing movies and television. It has been part of the Hollywood "lifestyle" and it isn't likely to change anytime soon. This list could go on for days, and it will include some people that won't surprise you in the least. But some of the names on this list will blindside you, making you wonder what else goes on behind the scenes of movie sets. 1. Jack Nicholson - Easy Rider


5 Lifetime Movie Casting Choices That Are So Wrong They're Actually Offensive

At this point in our lives, we can all agree that the 90s were pretty great, but like every other decade it had its problems. Of course nothing will ever be perfect, but honestly, the 90s were fun and that's what matters. That is, unless Lifetime wants to make a movie about it. The Lifetime Network is known for their TV movies, more specifically for their bad TV movies. They tend to make a lot of unauthorized biographies about celebrities and classic TV shows, none of which have the approved by the people they are depicting. A lot of our


11 Marvelous Facts About "Mousehunt" - The Movie You Forgot You Loved

It was dark and downright weird, but that's why we loved Mousetrap so much. In a world full of sugary sweet kids' movies, this bizarre comedy about two brothers trying to evict a genius rodent really stood out.If you asked your parents to rent this movie over and over and over, you'll get a kick out of these 11 facts. 1. A sneaky ad for the movie poked fun at DisneyMousehunt was the first live-action family comedy from Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg,  and David Geffen's studio Dreamworks. It seems the trio couldn't resist poking fun at their biggest


6 Facts About The Man Who Was Definitely In Your Favorite Movie

Chances are, you have seen actor Bob Hoskins. In fact, the odds are good that you have seen him in a ton of your favorite films over the years. Hoskins was an incredible actor with a history of working on stage with famous plays in leading roles, and was able to lift up any story line with only a side part. He passed away in 2014, but his death is still given a tribute year after year by fans loyal to his brilliant characters.Whether he was on or off the screen, Hoskins had a larger-than-life personality that translated into


Woody Allen Married His 27-Year-Old Step-Daughter Because "The Heart Wants What It Wants"

While being known as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Woody Allen has led a life of both triumph, and shame.The acclaimed writer, actor, and producer faced a public backlash like no other when his marriage to Mia Farrow began to fall apart at the seams, bringing forward accusations that shook the reputation of the once-beloved Hollywood icon.New York TimesWhile both Allen and Farrow were dating (the pair were never formally married), they shared custody over their biological child, Satchel, and two adopted children, Dylan and Moshe.At the time of their relationship, Farrow had five