
Slice Soda Is Making A Comeback With A Millennial-Friendly Twist

In addition to all television shows and films from the 80s and 90s that are getting the reboot treatment, food and drink products from those decades are also not safe from the resurgence.Last year, we saw companies re-introduce some of our favorite drinks from back in the day, including Orbitz, Surge, Crystal Pepsi(this time with added caffeine), Zima (the "zenzational" clear fizzy malt), and Jolt Cola. Now, PepsiCo is once again trying to make you feel the nostalgia with the revival of another one of their popular drinks: Slice. walkmemorylane.wordpress.comDecades before Sierra Mist was introduced, PepsiCo


Watch Cindy Crawford Recreate Her Iconic 90s Super Bowl Pepsi Ad With Her Son

Supermodel Cindy Crawford was at her prime when she starred in one of the most memorable Pepsi commercials of the 90s, but the model has recently proven that she still has what it takes to turn heads.As part of Pepsi's "Generation" campaign, which aims to honor the brands 120-year history in popular culture, 51-year-old Crawford was tapped to recreate her iconic 1992 Super Bowl Ad. Buzzfeed.comIn the original ad, Crawford, who was wearing a white tank top and jean shorts, pulls over at a gas station and steps out of a red sports car to buy a can


Cindy Crawford Recreated Her Iconic 1992 Super Bowl Ad And It's Making Us Feel Old

In today's edition of things that remind you of how old you are, is supermodel Cindy Crawford's Super Bowl XXVI ad from 1992. The model was just 25-years-old when she starred in the memorable Pepsi commercial that is now considered a classic. Buzzfeed.comIn the ad, Crawford, who was wearing a white tank top and jean shorts, pulls over at a gas station and steps out of a red sports car to buy a can of Pepsi. Nearby, there were two young boys watching as she made her way to the vending machine and takes a swig of the fizzy


Britney Spears Pepsi Songs Are Out For The First Time, And They'll Bring You Joy

Attention Britney Spears fans! Christmas has come early and we're about to tell you why. For those of you who were around during the good ol' days that were the late 90s/early '00s, you will recall that there were two kinds of people - Pepsi fans and Coca-Cola fans.  Both brands had successful marketing campaigns and garnered large fan followings, including celebrities. But at the start of the millennium, it was Pepsi that had the upper hand in the legendary rivalry, also known as the "Cola Wars."NY Daily NewsPepsi recruited some of the most popular celebrities at


The Truth Behind 'New Coke' And Why They Thought It Was A Good Idea To Change A Classic

Basically everyone has had a Coca Cola beverage in their life. Whether it's a classic Coca-Cola, Diet Coke or Sprite, the company makes a bunch of different flavors that we all remember drinking since we were kids. The thing is, there has always been this weird period of time that we hear about when Coca-Cola messed up royally. Some of us even remember it first-hand, but do you actually know the truth behind Coca-Cola's attempted 'New Coke' fiasco? CocaColaHow it startedCoca-Cola had been the leading soda company in the country for decades, but by the early 80s, they were losing


10 Pepsi Commercials That Were So Good We Almost Gave Up Drinking Coke

If there is one company who used to do a good job of making iconic commercials, it's Pepsi. They have always put a lot of effort into making their commercials memorable and usually they succeed. They might not be as good as they used to, but throughout the 90s and early 2000s they were the best. The fact is, they used a lot of famous songs and famous faces to help attract their customers' attentions and over the years it has had varying success. Some of their commercials have been pretty memorable, and we are going to look back at