
18 Creepy Things From The 90s Responsible For Making You A Paranoid Mess

One noticeable thing about 90s kids is they're either extremely into scary stuff, or they would rather never leave the house than deal with it again. There is no in between. When you look back on the "entertainment" we had to keep ourselves busy, there's really no questioning where this came from. Is there a serial killer behind the shower curtain? What if I open this door and cockroaches come pouring out? What if my dog is actually an alien spying on me? All valid questions. All somehow influenced by the 90s. Scroll this list and be prepared for some


10 Movies That Completely Terrified You As A Kid, And Probably Still Do

I know there were a lot of classic horror movies that came out when we were young, but you know what else there were? A whole bunch of movies disguised as these feel-good children's movies or cartoons that were safe for kids that ended up scarring us for life. A lot of movies out there that had these sequences in them that haunted our nightmares, crossing our minds when we were trying to go to bed. Then there were others that gave us a grim realistic view of the mortality of us all, and let me tell you, we weren't