
Turns Out You've Been Singing These Kids' Songs Wrong Your Whole Life

When you were in school, the teachers had a series of songs that they would get you sing as a group right? You would go through usually a very short and simple song over and over so everyone would learn it and it would just be a fun exercise in between lessons. What none of us realized was that we were only getting the first verses of the songs and there was actually a whole lot more to them! Whether it's London Bridge or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, there are actually more verses to the song that everyone has just


10 Things That Guaranteed You Were Going To Have The Best School Day Ever

Going to school in the nineties was a much simpler time. No one had a cell phone, no one had Facebook and everyone had frosted tips. There were a few days that were just so much better than others and it seemed as though there was a common thread. Whether you loved gym class or the special events in the library, there was a something for everyone. Here are 10 of the best possible things that could happen to a 90s kid at school. 1. Walking into the room and seeing this: 2. When these would be passed out3. When


12 Normal Things 80's Kids Did At School That Wouldn't Happen Today

Times sure have changed from the 80's. It seems as though everything has become dependent on technology and there's been a crazy increase in helicopter parenting. So what's changed in the school world? Can it really be that different? The answer is yes. Things have definitely gotten a little more strict and little less fun-loving since we were in grade school. And who knows? Maybe it's justified. But honestly it just seems like today's kids are missing out!Here are some totally normal things we'd do at school in the 80's but would not fly today. 1. Actually Choosing a


10 Games We Played As Kids That Probably Meant Our Teacher Was Hung Over

Before classrooms were littered with iPads and other fancy electronics, teachers resorted to old-fashioned indoor classroom games that wasted a lot of time.Anything was better than studying or completing worksheets, so we went along with it, but not all these games were as hype as teachers tried to make them. That being said, not all were that bad either. University HospitalsLet's be real though, the ones that were more competitive were the most fun. Here are 10 indoor games that will open the floodgates to some of your favorite, and maybe most-hated, childhood memories. Seven Up (Heads down, thumbs


10 Games Every 90s Kid Played That'll Make You Want To Be Back In Gym Class

Second only to recess, gym was one of the best parts of the day at school. It was a much needed break from hours of complicated math problems and history lessons. While sport activities like soccer, basketball and baseball were standard in any gym class, there were plenty of other games that we played that made the class so much more memorable. The teachers always knew the right games to pick so that we could have fun with our friends while reaping the benefits of physical activity. Let's go down memory lane and revisit 10 gym class games that make


10 Back-To-School Essentials We All Begged Our Parents To Buy

So, here's a little secret about me: I used to love back-to-school season. No, I didn't love actually going to school, but the process of buying a bunch of new outfits or school supplies was my favorite time of the year. Maybe it's because we didn't really buy a lot of clothes any other time of the year, so it always felt like my one big chance to try out those cool new styles, but it was always the best time. I think I had more fun picking out my binders and pens than anything though, which always made me


10 Things That Helped Us All Survive Elementary School In The 90s

Going to elementary school is something that we all had to do, but we all had different experiences. Socially, elementary school was a battlefield. It was exhausting and more dramatic than it needed to be, but at least we all grew up before the internet was a thing. Nowadays kids have to deal with their bullies following them home, at least virtually, and never getting a chance to be alone. Even if it's from their friends, kids should have some time to themselves, right? Disney ChannelWell, when we grew up in the 90s, times were just a lot simpler. Who