
Tinky Winky Actor From 'Teletubbies' Froze To Death Alone After His Birthday

More tragic news form the family of the actor of beloved children's show, The Teletubbies, as the circumstances of his death were revealed. Simon Shelton Barnes, who famously played one of the four colorful characters on the hit children's TV show, was recently found dead in suspicious circumstances early this week. Barnes was notable for playing Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby that so many kids grew up watching. Daily MailHis family were devastated when they found out about his passing, especially since he had turned 52-years-old only 4 days earlier. The father of three received an outpouring of tributes, from


7 Good Ol' Reasons 'The Dukes of Hazzard' Might Be Crazy, But Sure Ain't Dumb

It may be one of the most iconic TV shows ever produced that focused on the lives of southern rednecks who loved to do nothing but get up to trouble and drive fast!The show is still incredible to watch today, and the more I found out about this free-flying, wheel-turning series, the more I wanted to slide over the hood of a souped-up car and give that sheriff a run for his money![Note: But I wouldn't because that is highly unsafe.]Instead, I just dug up these facts that are crazier than a possum on a gum bush,


Murphy Brown Is Coming Back To TV

Murphy Brown was one of those shows we watched because our mom was watching, but we secretly loved it. Candace Bergen played the titular character, who was a recovering alcoholic returning to work at a news station. Over 40 years old, Brown manages to become one of the most notable media personalities in her field. Warner Bros. TVThe show stepped away from the norm. For 10 seasons, there was no male counterpart to Brown. It wasn't about her trying to navigate her career and personal life, but rather a strong, independent woman who was focused on her work. The show


8 Memories Of Your 80s Bike That Will Take You Back

Riding your bike was like having a license to go anywhere (as long as you were home when the street lights came on.) In the 80s, our bikes were a way to express ourselves and act like we were a little older than we were. If you wanted to sound like a motorcycle, all you had to do was grab a clothespin and a playing card, attach it to your spokes, and you were good to go. These are some of the other bike memories that kids from the 80s will definitely remember. 1. BMX BikesOld Line ClubNothing felt cooler


7 Reasons Why School Picture Day Was The Absolute Worst

School pictures happen every year, but somehow we never were ready. Whether you wore the wrong dress, didn't brush your hair, or happened to have just lost a tooth, school pictures always turned into a contest of whose turned out worse. Those big envelopes with the clear plastic windows were the most stressful delivery of the year. Your teacher would call your name and you would have to go to the front of the class and grab it, and hope that they wouldn't say anything about it when they handed it to you. You never wanted to be the person


12 Photos of Vintage RV Campers That Will Take You Back To The Best Times Of Your Life

When we were kids, our favorite thing in the world was going on road trips. If they were a surprise, even better! Traveling in a car just didn't have the same feeling to it. An RV camper or a teardrop trailer on the back of your truck was the only way you could actually have a memorable summer holiday. Here are 12 photos of vintage RV campers that will take you back to some of the best times of your life. 1. There was no shortage of these on the roads during the summer times. smartrvguide2. The GMC motorhome looks


Watch: TV Hosts Are Baffled By The Internet In This Throwback Clip

Way back in the olden days of 1994, if you were already surfing the web you were probably using Netscape Navigator on your family's AOL subscription. Which is a nice way of saying you were a big nerd.I don't know what the "internet" is, but it looks painful.TimeThe worldwide web was gaining popularity fast, but judging by these reactions from The Today Show, it wasn't exactly mainstream just yet. After the hosts try their best to work out how exactly you pronounce "@," Bryant Gumbel vents his frustration over the newfangled technology."What is the