
They've Announced Who's Playing Queen In The New Movie And It Will Rock You

Queen is one of the most universally loved rock groups of all time. It seems like no matter how old you are, the second Bohemian Rhapsody comes on the radio you will not be able to resist the urge to sing along. Cinema BlendThe film industry obviously realizes this and has been trying to put together some kind of biopic about the band for years now. Originally, Sasha Baron Cohen (Borat) was signed on to play the lead singer Freddie Mercury, but it didn't work out. He left the project citing differing opinions with the band members, “A member of


10 Real People Who Inspired Your Favorite Cartoon Characters

Watching cartoons was basically a requirement as a kid. There were so many good characters who seemed to come alive in our imaginations. We had this connection to these drawings, even though they were fictional characters.But how much do you really know about your favorite cartoons? Did you know that a lot of them are based on real people? Maybe that's why so many of them seem so real to us, because their facial expressions, mannerisms and sometimes even there voices are based in reality. Popeye - Frank "Rocky" FiegelTurner Entertainment / Popeye WikiThe inspiration for the character of Popeye


11 Reboots Of Classic Movies and TV Shows That We All Wish Didn't Happen

There were a lot of shows from our childhood that were so amazing. So many of the movies and TV shows that meant a lot to us growing up are now thought of as outdated and poorly made. At least that's what Hollywood thinks, so they keep trying to remake them. As it turns out, some things should just be left alone. There have been so many failed reboots of classics that honestly should not have been allowed to happen. Charlie's AngelsABCThere was a moderate success with the movie, at least enough to make a sequel. But the new TV


5 Movie Sequels That Almost Happened, But You'll Be Glad They Didn't

We all have our favorite movies, some that are universally loved, and others not so much. The thing is, Hollywood is a business and they want to make money. Sometimes that comes at the expense at things like quality or artistic integrity.  Movie studios obviously want to make the big bucks, so when they find something that works it's easy to overdo it. Although sometimes it's not even the studio, but the screenwriters themselves. They have immersed themselves in these stories so completely that they feel like they have more to tell. The movies don't always get made, which


25 Avon Products That Will Take You Right Back To Your Childhood

Everyone remembers that one lady in their neighborhood who would come around with those Avon catalogs each month. Sometimes, our moms would even have a little party with all of their friends and go through all the new stuff. AvonIt was one of those things as a distinct part of our childhoods even though Avon is obviously still going strong to this day. Some of the products still stick out to us now even though it's been decades since we have seen them, especially the fun stuff that our moms would throw onto their orders! How many of these things


The True Story Of Love And Obsession That Inspired The One Hit Wonder 'My Sharona'

Some songs seem to last for ever. They are such a hit that they are completely timeless and people will love them no matter how old they are. My Sharona is one of those songs. CapitolThe classic rock band The Knacks may have been a 'one-hit-wonder', but their one hit was pretty epic. But did you ever wonder if there really was a 'Sharona'? Turns out, the story behind the song is just as good as the song itself! It's pretty crazy how the whole thing went down. Check out the whole story below! The Knack was composed of four


7 Plots From V.C. Andrews Books That Absolutely Gave You The Creeps

Some books seemed to catch our attention more than others. Of course, we all loved the Sweet Valley High books, the Goosebumps series, and you can't forget Nancy Drew. Sure, those books all had great plots and fun characters, but none were quite as crazy or captivating as V.C. Andrews' books. WikipediaV.C. Andrews stood out from the rest by writing these absolutely insane stories that terrified us all. Her books were generally categorized as "Gothic Horror" and often dealt with families going through taboo and creepy situations. How many of these insane plots do you remember reading when


Winnie-the-Pooh Has Evolved A Lot Over The Years, And The Newest Look Goes Back To The Beginning

Winnie-the-Pooh is one of the best and more popular characters from our childhoods. Kids probably recognize him as easily as they recognize Mickey Mouse. And just like Mickey Mouse, he has gone through a couple makeovers through the years.Prickett & EllisLet's take a look at the many looks of that "willy, nilly, silly, old bear" that we all love so much. DisneyHow it started: Winnie-the-Pooh was based on an actual bear. She was a black bear named Winnipeg that was brought to Britain during the First World War by Canadian lieutenant, Harry Colleburn. Coleburn had to give the bear


15 Movie Quotes You've Been Saying Wrong All Along

Quoting movies; we all do it, and yet we are all so bad at it. Even those of us who think they know movies pretty well are guilty of misquoting some of the biggest movies in the world. GiphyPeople don't even realize that they have been saying it wrong because everyone says it wrong! How many of these have you been saying wrong? Check out the list below and see if you know your movie lines better than everyone else. Misquoted Line: "Hello, Clarice" - Silence of the LambsOrion PicturesReal Line: "Good evening, Clairce"Misquoted Line: "Houston, we have a