
Can You Believe It's Been 40 Years Since The Premiere Of Charlie's Angels?

Charlie's Angels, the iconic series from the late 70s, turns 40 and even though it has been a while since it's original airing people still seem to love it. The show went through several cast changes and drama, but the pop culture phenomenon survived through 5 seasons and several remake attempts. Charlie's Angels was a success in the time, no one would have guessed what was happening back stage. Check out these facts about the show you know and love.        Giphy    The iconic Farrah poster was shot before the show ever airedThis poster was


Wait...Did Sandy Die At The Beginning Of Grease?

We all know Grease. We all love Grease. What could be better than a happy movie-musical about two people falling in love ending up together?Well what if I told you Sandy from Grease actually DIES at the beginning of the movie?That's what's being sent around the Internet right now. A fan theory has resurfaced explaining how it's entirely possible that Grease is about Sandy's dream she has while in a coma from drowning. "During the song 'Summer Nights,' Danny and Sandy recount how they first met and started a summer fling. The line, 'I saved her life,


21 Celebs From Your Childhood: Then and Now

Everyone had their childhood celeb crush. How could you not? They strategically picked the cutest kids for that reason.But where did they all end up? Child stars are notorious for heading down bad paths. The money, the fame, they have access to everything they want. Get reacquainted with some of our favorite child stars from the past. Did yours make the list? 1. Jenna von Oy, as Six Lemure on "Blossom"Jenna, now 39, is married with one daughter. Her most recent role was a film called "Lukewarm" in 2012. She also starred in the "Moesha" spin-off, "The Parkers.


The Craziest Things Movies Have Done To Get The Perfect Shot

Every movie needs a director, and every director has a vision for the movie. While most things can be left to the skills of the actors or the special effects crew, sometimes the perfect shot needs a higher level of creativity. Not all of these were the best idea (in fact some of it may have been abuse) but no one can deny that the directors of these movies were able to do something incredible, with a little bit of ingenuity. Rocky IVQueensland TimesEven though Rocky ends up winning this one, the final fight against Ivan Drago nearly cost Stallone


The Hair-Raising History Of How Trolls Became One Of The Longest-Lasting Toy Trends

I think we can all agree that looking back on our childhoods makes us reevaluate some of our obsessions. Did we need all of those Beanie Babies? Probably not. Did we need every POG available? Probably not. Was Tickle Me Elmo really worth the effort our parents put in? I guess not. But those things were just short little trends that passed by in a few short years. There was another toy, one that's even weirder than a game based on cardboard disks that managed to last for decades, and is making its comeback now: Trolls. Troll dolls seemed like


The Generation Of Kids Born In The Late '70s and Early '80s Finally Have A Name

If were born during the late 70s or early 80s, you are most likely grouped in with the annoying millennials or pessimistic Gen X's. Good news, you're neither!There is now a micro generation between the years of 1977 and 1983 called Generation Xennial. If you're born in one of these seven years, you've probably found that you don't fit into either of the existing generations surrounding you, this is because you shouldn't! Xennial's are different and therefore they get their own mini generation. wethepvblicTypically, Xennials don’t have the cynicism associated with the Gen X generation, but they also


7 Cartoon Moments That You Didn't Realize Were Actually Really Messed Up

Cartoons are pretty much a staple for every kid. We all had at least one that we were completely obsessed with, but more often than not, we watched dozens of different shows. The thing is, these cartoons aren't all as innocent as they may have seemed. There were a lot of moments or episodes that actually were a lot more scandalous than what kids our age should have been watching. I mean, technically we didn't notice or understand, but these cartoons found a way to add some really interesting or mature things into these cartoons, sometimes without even mentioning it.