
There's A New MTV Clothing Line And We Can't Wait To Get Our Hands On It

Hands up if you spent your entire childhood glued to the TV watching all the videos on MTV. Pretty much all of you right? Perfect. Watching MTV was the best. You got to see all of the coolest music videos, which meant that you knew all the best songs, all the newest dance moves, and all the rad styles. As MTV evolved over the years, it kind of lost that magic that made it the go-to location for awesome music, and instead has turned into a reality TV station. Really the only reality show we wanted to watch was The


The New 'Roseanne' Opening Has Been Released And We're Having Serious Flashbacks

Over the last few months we've been waiting for the Roseanne revival, and now that we're getting down to the wire, we've started to see even more of the new season of the classic show. When the show ended, everyone was a little bit confused and sad. Dan was gone, and we were all pretty upset that we wouldn't be spending some time with the Conner family anymore. They were one of the great TV families and for some reason their dysfunction made our crazy lives feel normal. It was one of those shows that you could curl up on


'The Oregon Trail' Is Back And More Portable Than Ever, And We Can't Wait To Die Of Dysentery

Growing up, we didn't really have the same advanced video game as kids today have. We had to use our imaginations. Sure, looking back it was a little bit less than impressive, but honestly, we had more fun playing those simple games than almost any of these extremely complicated ones. Oregon Trail is perhaps one of the most notorious and iconic games that we played during computer class. It seemed to be loaded up onto every school computer, so that we could learn all about traveling on the frontier, including the struggles that came with it. Sure, about 90% of


You Can Live In The '10 Things I Hate About You' House And It's Actually Amazing

We all remember watching 10 Things I Hate About You in the late 90s and becoming completely obsessed with Kat Statford's rebel style, or Bianca's collection of cute sundresses. The Stratford sisters were iconic for us, and we can all admit that part of the reason was their absolutely epic house. So many moments in that movie took place in that home, and it just felt like the most iconic and idyllic place for this story to unfold. I don't know how many times I thought that it would be comfortable to sit on the porch of my house and


7 Things The "Bad Kids" In Your Class Always Did No Matter How Much The Teacher Yelled

As a former good-two-shoes, I can't pretend like I did any of those cool "bad" kid things, but I do remember seeing them all happen. Elementary school was basically a battle between the teachers and the students, and their weapons may not have been very advanced, but they were effective. A teacher could assign as much homework as they wanted, but as a kid, your attacks are limited. You don't have a lot of things you can do that will solidify your cool kid status without having you kicked out of school. It wasn't easy, but I guess some of


90210 Alumi Join Forces To Bring Us Back To West Beverly Hills High School, Well, Sort Of

We all remember watching the original 90210 right? Kelly, Donna and Brenda were the cool kids we were jealous of, and Dylan and Brandon were the loves of our lives. The teens were iconic in the 90s. Everyone wanted to be like them, although none of us actually wanted their drama, but it was always fun to watch. Beverly Hills, 90210 ran from October, 1990 to May, 2000. It was definitely one of the most dramatic shows we watched as young adults. They dealt with everything from teen pregnancy to eating disorders and everything in between. Kelly Taylor was a


Edward Furlong Was A Rising Star, But His Life Took A Drastic Turn That's Left Him Unrecognizable

The former teen idol had roles in iconic movies like Terminator 2: Judgement Day, American Heart, and Pet Sematary, but now Edward Furlong's name is barely remembered. The forgotten actor was on the road to becoming a huge star, with an enormous career ahead of him, but what happened to derail such a successful career?He was first discovered in the early 90s, when he was cast as John Connor in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. He truly stole the show and held his own against Arnold, and managed to nab a few awards for being a breakthrough actor. TriStar PicturesThe

Pop Culture

Tim Allen Talks About Potential 'Home Improvement' Reunion And We Aren't Sure How To Feel

Home Improvement was one of the greatest shows of the 90s. Watching Tim 'the Tool Man' Taylor awkwardly and outrageously fail at making things while continuing to make a show about how good he is at making things was just absolutely great. . We watched Tim fall off of roofs, we watched Tim electrocute himself, we watched Tim explode various projects, but all the while he managed to not die and not get fired. I think a lot us, myself included, thought of him as our TV dad. He reminded me so much of my dad, the only difference was my


'Blue's Clues' Is Coming Back, But You May Not Like The New Look

We all remember watching Blue's Clues right? Sure, a lot of us were older, but personally I remember the kids I used to babysit being obsessed with it. "There's a clue!" the children would scream at the top of their lungs, and I would cringe, because I knew that Steve wasn't going to hear them. They would only scream louder, but he would pretend like he couldn't see the big blue paw print in the middle of his cartoon house. This would go on for many, many minutes. Steve took care of Blue, while solving the mysteries that she would


20 Songs You Always Listened To On Your Discman That You Haven't Thought About Since

There really is no other way to put this, if you remember these songs you are definitely getting closer to 30+, than you are to 21. There are songs on this list that we wish we could forget, and the younger generation should be glad that they never had to live through a time where these were blasting on car radios. But some of these hits bring back memories of simpler times, handing out with our friends, doing things we enjoyed before we had to start "adulting".  1. Strong Enough - Cher Cher has been around forever. This isn't