
Someone Gave Toad Human Legs Now And It's Hilariously Awful

Everyone is familiar with the Nintendo franchise Mario, right? Well, the important question is are you familiar with the character Toad? Toad is one of the characters who frequently pops up in a many of the games. He is a small little guy who has a high-pitched voice and an iconic mushroom-themed hat. NintendoThe fact that Toad is having his own little moment in the sun is maybe a little bitter-sweet, because it really isn't for anything Nintendo did. A lot of people are talking about him right now, not because of a new game or any related news about


11 Monkey Movies That Made You Go Bananas As A Kid

Animals are pretty much the best thing on the planet. Whether you are referring to a house pet, a farm animal or even a fictional cartoon, nine times out of ten, the animal is going to steal the show. There are of course a lot of dog movies out there that we all know and love, but have you ever realized just how many monkey movies there really are? Maybe it's because genetically we feel so connected to them, or maybe it's just because they are so cute. Either way, monkeys are everywhere and it is AWESOME! Here are some


13 Educational Toys That Made Us Feel Like We Were Super Technologically Advanced

There were times when we were kids that we thought nothing could ever stop us. Now, the older we get the more we realize that we are becoming super outdated quickly. PopRewindSome people do their best to keep up, but honestly it's too exhausting. Maybe it's just easier to remember the glory days of our technological superiority. Remember when we used to have all those super cool computers that made us feel super smart? Pretty much all the coolest things were little computerized toys which made us all felt like we were living in the space age. Do you remember


Man Was Confused About Harry Potter Books, Turns Out He Was Reading Something Else

Harry Potter is one of the biggest franchises in the world. The books have been out for a long time now and while it may seem like everyone has read them, there are still a lot of people who are being introduced to them for the first time. GiphyYou would think that jumping into the Potter-verse would be easy enough to follow, seeing as how it's literally everywhere, but apparently it can be a little trickier than expected. Chris Chappell wanted to get into the Harry Potter books. He had never seen any of the movies or read a single


11 TV Sidekicks Who Stole the Show From The Main Character

Having a good imagination was pretty important when you were a kid. There were so many amazing toys and games that you could play, but the way to ensure they were going to be the maximum level of awesome was to tap into that youthful and innocent imagination. One of the most enjoyable things to imagine was having a pet or animal buddy that you could hang out with. I guess you could try to convince your parents to get a pet, but they weren't really the same as some of the ones you saw on TV. A lot of


10 Games We Played in School Because They Were Supposed To Teach Us Things

These days, we spend most of our days on computers or our phones, but back when we were kids it was like this special treat we only got ever once and a while. The best class was always computer class because you would get to play the best games around! Schools always had the best games! A few lucky kids were able to get home computers as well, but a lot of us had to wait until it was time for the best class around. Obviously all the games needed some kind of educational component, but they did a great


10 Teachers We All Wished We Had When We Were Kids

There were just so many television shows in the 90s that were set in schools. Pretty much every show that was intended for kids was set in a school environment so there were always a lot of teachers around. Some were kind of a nightmare, but there were a lot of really great teachers that we all wished we had. There are of course some great teachers in real life, but when you're a kid the ones on TV seem so much cooler. Which of these teachers did you think was the best? 1. Mr. RatburnPBSMr. Ratburn has a name


You Probably Didn't Realize These Songs Were Actually Covers

There are a lot of famous songs that everyone thinks they know, but really there is a whole other level to them. You might think that the songs you love are so original and new, but it turns out that a lot of them are just covers of older songs that you don't remember. Sometimes they songs were recorded by popular groups or artists, and others they were sung by people you have never heard of. Let's see if you knew if any of these popular songs were covers.Respect by Aretha Franklin - Originally by Otis ReddingOtis Redding first