
We Know Which Spice Girl You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everything changed in 1994 when the Spice Girls burst into the pop music scene. The badass British girl group had boys everywhere crushing on them, and girls wanting to be like them. No one was immune to Spicemania, and even today, we're still a little obsessed with them.We loved every single one of the Spice Girls, and it was hard to pick a favorite, but at the end of the day, we each had one girl that we identified with the most. Mine was Scary Spice a.k.a Mel B, because she was just as eccentric and confident


There's No Crying In Baseball - And 11 Other Facts About 'A League Of Their Own'

A comedy film about an all-women baseball league in the 1940s isn't your typical recipe for box office gold.But when A League of Their Own landed in theaters in 1992 it quickly became a hit, and today it ranks among the best sports movies of all time.Even if your family has been playing their VHS tape of this movie nonstop since it came out (like mine have) you'll probably be surprised by these 11 facts about the film.1. The extras in the Hall of Fame scene were actual AAGPBL playersColumbia PicturesWhen Dottie is touring the AAGPBL exhibit


Brendan Fraser Opens Up About The Real Reason Behind His Disappearance From Hollywood

We all remember watching Brendan Fraser in the movies he made when we were kids. It all started with Encino Man, but our obsession with his movies would only grow and grow over the next few years.It seemed like he was in every movie, playing the hunky yet funny star of all the greatest action adventures and comedies from our younger years. But suddenly, his career seemed to get a little bit out of control. The quality of the movies wasn't up to snuff. There were no more hits like George of the Jungle or The Mummy, instead we


10 Things You Miss From Your Childhood, Even Though You Pretend Not To

Y'know those things we all loved in the 90s but pretend to hate? We don't really hate them. It just seems like something we have to say when we're talking to everyone else about "how lame" everything was and how things are better now. Well LISTEN UP. They are not better. Things now are dumb and confusing and all around not cool. Do I sound like a cranky old lady when I say this? Yes. Do I care? Not even a little bit. Maybe it's because all the things we do or have now relate to being an adult, but


The 'Magnum P.I.' Reboot Has Found Its Star, And We're Actually Pretty Impressed

CBS is digging through its closet for old Hawaiian shirts as it prepares for a reboot of Magnum P.I., and we finally know who will play the famous detective in the new series.The network has already found success by remaking their classic TV shows like S.W.A.T., MacGyver, and Hawaii Five-O, and they're hoping one of the most popular shows of the '80s is ripe for a revival.Now, CBS has announced that actor Jay Hernandez will fill Tom Selleck's shoes as Thomas Magnum, the suave private eye from Oahu, Hawaii.But there are some modern


Drew Barrymore's Oldest Daughter Honestly Looks Like Her Twin

There's nothing more special to a mother than her children. I think a big part of that is because mothers see so much of themselves in their kids. My mother and I always get mistaken for being sisters, even though we have a 20-year age difference. One time we swapped faces on a mobile app and the image didn't even change! Not all mother-daughters are like this, but there are many cases where you know a daughter is going to look just like their mother when they grow up. Sometimes they already do...upsocl42-year-old actress Drew Barrymore gave birth to


There's A Scientific Reason The Music You Loved As A Teenager Is Better

If you take a look at your most recently played songs, what shows up? Is there anything that has been released in the past 10 years? Unlikely. Most of us tend to listen to a lot of nostalgia-inducing music which comes from our childhood and teen years. If you thought you might be along on this, you'd be wrong. In a recent article from the New York Times, it was uncovered that most people base their tastes, music or otherwise, on their formative years. “The most important period for men in forming their adult tastes were ages 13 to 16,


8 Things Today's Teenagers Will Have Never Seen

Teenagers today missed out on a lot of stuff, sure they just have the better, upgraded version of what we had growing up, but they never got to experience where that all came from. Here are eight things today's teenagers would have never remembered. 1. BlockbusterToday's teenagers will never get to experience the thrill of getting to rent a blockbuster movie, or even having their trusty blockbuster membership card in their wallets at all times. Sure, maybe none of us went to Blockbuster at the end, and maybe we would rather die then have Netflix traded in for Blockbuster, but


10 Awful Truths Kids From The '90s Are Only Just Realizing Now

Growing up in the 90s, we had a lot of lies told to us. For example, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Didn't you though, Bill?However, there are some more subtle things from our childhoods that we're just starting to come around to, and some of them have me SHOOK (did I used that right? I can never tell). 1. That "farm" wasn't a real place. When I was young, my caregiver had a litter of bunnies. I wasn't allowed to take one home (because my parents were smarter than that) but I got to choose