
13 Things We All Wasted Our Money On As Kids

When you were a kid, there was no better moment than when your parents said you could have a dollar or two to spend on something fun. What did we do? Did we save it up so we could buy something really cool? Absolutely not! We went to the dollar store and bought the most random and useless thing we could find and treasured it dearly for about four and a half minutes. There are some things that everyone had even though we honestly do not know why. Here are 13 of the most bizarre and useless things we all


Can You Explain To Me How Or Why These Got So Popular?

Some toys from the 90s are obviously perfect and deserve all the obsessions they started and praise that they got, looking at you Barbie Jeep, while others were perhaps a little less desirable. There were some fads that spread like wildfire even though when you really look back on them, you have no idea why. Moon Shoes were perhaps one of the biggest toys around and I am not sure I understand why. I understand that they were "gravity defying" shoes, but did they really send you up all that high? From the commercial and all the pictures, they look


11 Things All 90s Kid Absolutely Wanted To Have In Their Bedroom

There were a lot of awesome things that became popular (or had a resurgence) in the 90s and therefore our bedrooms got decorated in the very best way possible. We all had these enormous wish lists of things we absolutely needed and every TV show would add something new to that list. Can you remember all the things you thought would make for excellent decor? Here are 15 of the must-haves from the 90s! 1. A Big CD PlayerPretty much everyone had one like this: But we all REALLY wanted one like this: 2. A Lava LampThey obviously weren't invented


Here Are The 10 Beanie Babies That You Need To Dig Out Of Storage So You Can Retire Early

If you grew up in the 90s, there are most likely some of these TY Beanie Babies hanging around your house or your parent's house packed away in a box. Well, it might be time to finally cash in on that investment because there are actually quite a few worth some decent money now! Sure, there was always the rumor that buying beanie babies would make you rich, but when the whole fad went out of style, the value of a lot of these guys dropped significantly. All of us with shelves upon shelves of beanie babies were left with


Doodle Bears Were The Best Toy And Don't Try To Tell Me Otherwise

Toys in the 90s were a lot different than they are now. Kids these days don't really seem to notice anything that isn't attached to an iPad, but back when we were kids teddy bears and coloring books reigned supreme. The day they combined those two things into one? Absolute magic. The Doodle Bear came out in the mid-nineties and holy moly were they ever huge! Everyone wanted one! I mean, I know I did (and honestly still do).Such a simple concept too, all they were was a bear that was washable so kids could draw all over their


No 90s Home Was Complete Without These Little Kids

If you had to think of one little knick-knack that would remind you of the 90s, it would absolutely have to be a Precious Moments ceramic figurine right? Those little kids were just about everywhere. Not only were there the ceramic figures that your Grandma would give you for your birthday, you could also get the coloring books, the collections of stories and even toys!  They were pretty cute so I can see how they ended up so popular. They were big-eyed kids who always shared the sweetest sentiments like "I love my grandma" or just a simple "I


Remember When Y2K Was Going To Kill Us All?

Who was alive in the year 1999? Well, if you were, surely you remember the whole Y2K craziness that happened. It was absolute mayhem. Everywhere you looked people were preparing for the inevitable crash of all technology because a computer bug would cause everything to think it was back in the year 1900 instead of 2000. The panic was pretty insane. People were terrified that all their computers would stop working and went as far as secluding themselves in bunkers to stay safe. Time magazine even set up a generator powered "war room" in case they needed to break the


You Can Bring Lisa Frank Back Into Your Life, And It's Absolutely Amazing

Pretty much every 80s and 90s kid remembers Lisa Frank. Her colorful collection of school supplies and stickers brightened up our childhoods and really taught us that the best combination of colors, is ALL THE COLORS. Well, the Lisa Frank makeup collection is coming really soon and people are getting excited. Their brushes are covered in unicorns and even though we haven't seen the full collection yet you know it's going to be awesome. We were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at one of the brushes and it is absolutely awesome. It's everything your 12-year-old self dreamed it