
The Story Behind The "S" That We Drew On Everything In School

No one is sure how long this cool "S" has been around for, but we can all agree that we saw this stylized "S" everywhere in the late '90s and early 2000s. But what exactly was it and where did it come from? ViceIt wasn't rocket science, but everyone who could draw the fancy-looking letter somehow had a little more prestige than those who couldn't. Why this was, I don't know. It was literally the simplest, and most addictive, thing to draw. These 14 lines of awesomeness were even better if you had that letter in your name. If you


His Sister Is Famous, But What Happened To The Kid From "The Kid?"

In the early 2000s, it seemed like Spencer Breslin was going to be around forever. The young actor was appearing in movies and TV shows left, right, and center, and there were no signs of him slowing down. His first big break was in the year 2000 in the Bruce Willis movie The Kid, where he played the 8-year-old version of Willis's character. Breslin was an automatic hit, with his comedic timing and squeezable face making him the perfect child star. DisneyThen Breslin found himself in a couple smaller roles before turning up again in 2002 in the Disney Channel


15 Things Every Sibling Growing Up In The '90s Fought Over

Growing up with siblings is hard because there were so many things that made our blood boil. No way, Jose were we about to throw the towel in.Here are 15 things every sibling growing up in the '90s fought over. And I mean EVERY sibling, whether you were the oldest, youngest, or middle child. 1. Hogging the TV. MirageI had to pry the controller out of my sibling's hand or stand in front of our small TV to get their attention. The amount of buttons my television controller lost per month is too embarrassing to reveal. 2. Who was


18 "FMyLife" Stories That Will Take You Right Back To High School

Remember the website FMyLife? Which stood for "Fuck My Life?" People would flock to the site every day to read about other people's problems and horribly embarrassing mishaps. Hearing someone yell "FML" was not uncommon at the time, and you could almost guarantee they'd head home to post about their troubles. These are some of the funniest ones we could find. Apologies in advance if this happened to you. 1. SavageFMyLife2. Maybe he was talking about the OTHER girl in front of him?FMyLife3. Typical DadFMyLife4. Roommates Are The WorstFMyLife5. Maybe it was auto-correct?FMyLife6. Was it Hamilton? That show

Food and Snacks

10 Foods We Spat Out Every Time We Tried Them As Kids

Most kids are picky eaters, even if they don't think they are. The reason for this was because we always ate foods that we liked, and avoided everything that made us want to spit it out. Whether we love the foods we hated is irrelevant, let's just take a look back at some of the foods we hated with a burning passion. They may have touched our lips or accidentally slipped into our stomachs, but these foods were on the "Never Try Again" list for years! 1. Brussels sprouts  Weber GrillsI remember my parents forcing me to eat these


These 6 Facts About Sesame Street Are Brought To You By The Letters "WTF"

We all remember watching episodes of this growing up as children, and they taught us many important life lessons from sharing to accepting others for being different. Since every scene had a story and a moral, you had to pay attention to what was going on. But even if you watched rerun after rerun of their adventures, you probably didn't know these crazy facts about the colorful gang we all grew up with.Oscar the Grouch used to be orange!Grouches Wiki"Most of [my] family was orange. But I had a lovely vacation in Swamp Mushy Muddy resort. It