
8 Of The Weirdest Play-Doh Sets That Will Make You Want To Be A Kid Again

Play-Doh was one of the best toys ever. They had so many different sets that were so fun to play with and I know for certain you remember that smell. There were a few sets that were the most desirable of them all. The best of the best, the top of our Christmas lists, or the things we wished for when we blew out our birthday candles. There are so many classic kits, let's see if you remember any of them! 1. Fix Me Up DocThe weirdest thing on this box isn't even the open human with the child manically


Can You Name This Classic Toy From Your Childhood?

The happiest robot around town was the dream toy for a lot of kids back in the day. He was pretty much on all of our Christmas lists. He actually still gets made now which is crazy impressive! Not a lot of toys get to continue on through the generations, but this little buddy absolutely has. Can you name it? It became popular in the 80s with its interchangeable cards that would let you use the buttons on the side to interact with the questions it would ask you. It helped kids learn math, spelling, matching, and music! Do you


The 10 Worst Possible Things That Could Ever Happen To You At School

Being a kid was pretty great. We got to play all the time, we had no bills, and our responsibilities were limited to making our beds. However, we never appreciated it at the time. Instead we would whine and complain all about how tragic our lives were and how unfair everything was. There were so many things that the mean adults would do that made our lives just totally awful and it's hard to understand how we survived. Some things were pretty brutal, so if you are brave enough to relive the trauma, check out the list below. Next time


Relive Your Childhood By Watching The Commercials For The My Buddy And Kid Sister Dolls

Some toys are just iconic. Things like the Tickle Me Elmo, a Furby or a Cabbage Patch Doll, are all super memorable and everlasting. Some toys were HUGE at the time but have kind of faded away, but it's still fun to look back and remember our past toys and what they meant to us. Who remembers having either a My Buddy or Kid Sister doll? A lot of people probably do,  not only did most of us have one, but they actually based Chucky the terrifying evil doll on them! The dolls were pretty cute. The My Buddy


Turns Out You've Been Singing These Kids' Songs Wrong Your Whole Life

When you were in school, the teachers had a series of songs that they would get you sing as a group right? You would go through usually a very short and simple song over and over so everyone would learn it and it would just be a fun exercise in between lessons. What none of us realized was that we were only getting the first verses of the songs and there was actually a whole lot more to them! Whether it's London Bridge or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, there are actually more verses to the song that everyone has just


Everyone's Favorite Childhood Toy Is Almost Unrecognizable Now

There are some toys that just last through generations and this is absolutely one of them. We had one, our parents had one, even some of our grandparents had one of these growing up. They helped us revisit our favorite stories and discover new ones. Each click of a button brought us a step closer to the worlds we loved and it's impossible forget them. Do you remember these? Of course you remember the View-Master, we all had one! These first came on the scene way back in 1939. It was made by a former pharmacist named Edwin Mayer who


13 Amazing 80s Styles That You Know You Rocked

Kids today have a vague idea of the 80s through TV, movies and just general knowledge that gets passed down, but some of us actually lived through that nonsense. There was neon EVERYWHERE, and hair was bigger than you could possibly imagine. Not everyone wants to remember it fondly because it was a lot going on at once, but you know what, we should embrace our choices. The 80s were the brightest, most colorful and perhaps the most fun decade fashion wise that we have ever had. Kids today may get little pieces of it here and there, but they


10 Search Engines From The 90s That Make Us Grateful For Google

Before Google became the ruler of the internet, the competition for top search engine was pretty fierce. It seemed like there was an endless array of options, all attempting to be better than the next. There were many with a gimmick, a lot of really bad ones, and even a few that are still around today! Do you remember a time before Google? If so, you probably used one of these. 1. DogpileBecause back then it was important to have an "Ebay Auctions" button on the side for easy access. Also instead of "search" you would click "fetch", which always


The Crazy 90s Recall That Made Us All A Little Afraid Of Our Dolls

There seems to be a lot of recalls of products because your kid might choke on a piece, but there are very few done because the toy may choke on you. There was a Cabbage Patch doll in the 90s that actually had to be recalled because it was chewing on children. It actually was pretty serious because it would actually rip out their hair and swallow it down! The Snacktime Kid Cabbage Patch Doll looked like most other Cabbage Patch Kids but it had one very huge difference. The doll had a motorized mouth that you could feed in


13 Things We All Wasted Our Money On As Kids

When you were a kid, there was no better moment than when your parents said you could have a dollar or two to spend on something fun. What did we do? Did we save it up so we could buy something really cool? Absolutely not! We went to the dollar store and bought the most random and useless thing we could find and treasured it dearly for about four and a half minutes. There are some things that everyone had even though we honestly do not know why. Here are 13 of the most bizarre and useless things we all