
Remember When Y2K Was Going To Kill Us All?

Who was alive in the year 1999? Well, if you were, surely you remember the whole Y2K craziness that happened. It was absolute mayhem. Everywhere you looked people were preparing for the inevitable crash of all technology because a computer bug would cause everything to think it was back in the year 1900 instead of 2000. The panic was pretty insane. People were terrified that all their computers would stop working and went as far as secluding themselves in bunkers to stay safe. Time magazine even set up a generator powered "war room" in case they needed to break the


You Can Bring Lisa Frank Back Into Your Life, And It's Absolutely Amazing

Pretty much every 80s and 90s kid remembers Lisa Frank. Her colorful collection of school supplies and stickers brightened up our childhoods and really taught us that the best combination of colors, is ALL THE COLORS. Well, the Lisa Frank makeup collection is coming really soon and people are getting excited. Their brushes are covered in unicorns and even though we haven't seen the full collection yet you know it's going to be awesome. We were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at one of the brushes and it is absolutely awesome. It's everything your 12-year-old self dreamed it


Get Excited! Nintendo Is Planning On Bringing Back Another Classic Console

As much as we all loved the NES Classic Edition that came back last year, Nintendo decided to stop making it. They discontinued it even though it sold out completely because they said that "NES Classic Edition wasn't intended to be an ongoing, long-term product." Well, never fear because your second chance is here! No, the NES isn't coming back for round two, but sources are saying the Nintendo is planning on bring back the Super Nintendo with a SNES Classic Edition! Eurogamer claims that sources close to the company said that the console should be launched in time for


Now Your iPhone Can Look Like An Old Mac

In the last couple years, it seems like the world can't decide whether they want to bring back the 80s or the 90s. The problem is, no matter how hard we try to pretend we're still living in the glory days, all our fancy technology is basically a dead giveaway that we are not, in fact, still in the 80s or 90s.GiphyIf you've ever felt that your iPhone just looks a little too new and modern, Slick Wraps have got you covered. The skin won’t protect your phone against much more than scratches, but it’s beige color,


Tickle-Me-Elmo Without Fur Is The Most Horrifying You Will See All Day

There are some things from your past that will forever remain locked away in your mind. Sounds specifically are stored away as these vivid and ever-present memories that will never leave your brain. The noise that a Tickle-Me-Elmo makes is one of those noises.Whether or not you owned one of these little Muppets,  you absolutely knew what they sounded like. Well, someone has done something truly horrific and also kind of amazing and you really need to see it. Now that sound that haunts your dreams is going to get a whole lot freakier. Someone took all of


Brand New Look At The Newest Star Wars Story, Coming This Summer!

This summer the Star Wars universe is getting a little bit bigger in an amazing way. Lucasfilm and Disney and Hasbro are finally turning their focus to the amazing women of this franchise and giving them each their own animated short! All your favorite Star Wars characters will be there, including Jyn Erso from Rogue One, Rey from Force Awakens and of course Princess Leia. This new project is titled Star Wars: Forces of Destiny and will also bring back some other characters like Maz voiced by Lupita Nyong'o. Daisy Ridley and Felicity Jones will be back to voice their


You Guys. Tamagotchis Are A Thing Again.

Get your wallets out, friends! Tamagotchis are back and you need one immediately. The popular 90s toy has been the apple of many peoples' eye since childhood, but trying to find one in stores is equivalent to searching for an invisible needle in a haystack. But now, because the world isn't always awful, Tamagotchis are making a comeback and they look perfect. The new toys will keep the same low-resolution graphics (3 pixel poop, anyone?) but they'll be crafted with new, bright egg shaped exteriors. Daily MailCurrently, the Tamagotchis are only available on Amazon Japan, but I'm sure they'll be


Are You Old Enough To Remember What This Is?

If you can tell what this mystery item is, either you're getting old or your car is.Here's a few hints before you guess: these little additions became standard in almost all cars in the 1950s, but disappeared in the 1990s and early 2000s.Now, there's a good reason you don't see them anymore, but some folks are pretty mad they're gone. You see, they're used for a habit that lots of people still do, and paying to add one to your car can be expensive.Have you given up, or did you know right away?PinterestThat's right, this little


14 Incredible Photos Of Toys Coming To Life That Will Bring Back All Your Childhood Memories

When we were kids, one of the most important parts of the day was playtime. Those were the magical hours where we could get caught up in our own imaginations playing with a favorite action figure or barbie.From an outsider's perspective, we were just a bunch of kids tromping through the house with toys in our hands, but we knew better. We were The Swamp Thing Vs. King Kong, challenging each other to epic battles on the banister and under the stairs. Photographer Mitchel Wu captures what we all saw in our imaginations. With his toys and his lens,


11 Saying Kids Today Just Don't Understand

One of the easiest ways to make yourself feel old is to use an expression from your childhood and watch your children's faces turn blank. If you joke that someone chatty was "vaccinated with a phonograph needle" odds are nobody will laugh, and if you say "let's get down to brass tacks" they'll have no idea what you mean.But not all phrases go out of style just because they're uncool. Some are related to technology that nobody uses anymore, while others have really obscure meanings. See if you recognize the meanings of every expression on this list!1. Rewind