
5 Fashion Items That Have Been Successfully Resurrected, And 5 We'd Rather Stay Dead

Fashion is one of those things that seems to have a cycle that everything follows, so the same things become popular every few years. It has been happening since the dawn of fashion really, but it's just a lot weirder when it's the stuff you grew up wearing. When you see a young kid rock the same style of outfit you wore when you were their age you suddenly feel like you've traveled through time. You'd expect for fashion to evolve over the years, but it honestly doesn't. It just spins in circles, occasionally scooping up some new additions or


10 Things We Grew up Doing That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

There's something so complicated about getting older, because it's not just our bodies that changes, it's the world around us. So while we get older and start experiencing all these aches and pains (hey mystery back spasm, I'm talking to you), we also have to accept the fact that things that used to seem normal to us are no longer acceptable. Gone are the days of saying things without a second thought, or doing things without technology, because the world is a different place than it used to be. Granted it changes every year, and I'm sure our childhood was


Stirrup Pants Are Back In Style And We Don't Know How To Feel About It

We've all been there, the mall with our moms impatiently waiting to go to the toy section. She wants us to buy some new pants for school because we tore three holes in them last week. She says you have to try things on because you are growing too fast and she isn't sure what size you are, but honestly, there is nothing you want to do less than that. You rush through everything quickly, finding the size you need and then it isn't until years later when you look at the pictures of your childhood that you realize what


10 Iconic Toys From Your Childhood That You Couldn't Live Without

Let's be honest for a second, it's the internet, there is no one here to judge you. When you were growing up, what did you care the most about? Was it your family? No, that's just what you said near Christmas so you would get good gifts. Was it your friends? No, they weren't always there for you when you needed them. The thing we all cared about more than anything was our elaborate and extensive toy collections. Sure, does that make us all a little bit materialistic and selfish? Probably. But those are the facts and there's not much


13 Dreadful Life Lessons You Learned While Playing 13 Dead End Drive That Haunt You To This Day

Listen, board games were a very important part of our childhood. Dream Phone was played almost every weekend, Fireball Island was played on those days when you had the energy to set it up, but there was one game that trumped them all. 13 Dead End Drive was what happened if you mixed Clue with Mouse Trap, and also added in some good old-fashioned sabotage. The object of the game was simple: Survive. The backstory of the game (not that anyone really cared about that) was that a wealthy woman died and now there is a big fight over who


7 Times The Beanie Baby Craze Went Way Further Than Any Of Us Realized

How much of your money did you spend on Beanie Babies? Be honest. More than you'd like to admit right? As much as a lot of us loved our Beanie Babies, there was a limit. Sure, I put my favorites in plastic boxes to keep them from getting dust on them, and okay, of course I put on a tag protector, I'm not a monster. But if even that sounds excessive to you, then boy, are you unprepared for what's coming up. People put a lot of effort into their Beanie Baby collections in the 90s. I mean, we were


7 Weird Rules We Were Forced To Follow At School That We're Still Cranky About To This Day

Elementary school, middle school (or junior high depending on where in the country you are), and high school are probably the scariest years of your life. Yes, there is all this propaganda that claims that they are "the best years of your life," but if that's true, then oh boy... There were so many rules and regulations, all of which were claiming to be in place for our own good, but a lot of the time it felt as though they were just completely ridiculous. Do you ever wonder if it was just a crazy power trip? Were they just


We All Spent Hours Playing Dream Phone, But Where Did All Of Those Dreamy Guys End Up?

Crushes were a real big deal when you were a preteen. It was awkward and uncomfortable to have to feel all of those feelings, but luckily there was a board game to help us channel some of that angst. Electronic Dream Phone was invented so that we could awkwardly call a bunch of teen boys without feeling like we were blowing our chances with the real deal. The fake boys were there for us to see what it was like to converse with a boy, without actually having to do it. But here's the crazy thing, we actually miss those


10 Memories We All Have Of Toys 'R' Us That Our Kids Will Never Understand

There was no event, no holiday, and no party that had the capability to bring the same amount of joy as a trip to Toys 'R' Us could. Okay sure, you can argue that Christmas was better, or your birthday was more fun, but think about it, Toys 'R' Us visits could happen at any time, but holidays are once a year. Okay, call me crazy, but it was absolutely the most fun outings ever, even if your parents didn't let you buy any toys. Why was it so fun just to wander around a store? Well, this may change


Your Favorite Toys Were Invented By Mistake And They Weren't Even Meant To Be Toys

We might like to think that all of our favorite toys were created with a lot of thought, care, and ingenuity, but often times they were complete accidents. Several of the classic toys we were obsessed with when we were growing up weren't originally created with the intention of becoming a kid's toy, but once they made the switch, they became more successful than they could have ever imagined. Here are the most iconic toys that you absolutely played with that had very different origins than what you'd expect: Silly PuttyIt's bouncy, stretchy, and all around fun, but where did