
This One Teen's Tweet About Burning CDs Will Honestly Ruin Your Day

All of us who would consider ourselves to be 80s and 90s kids aren't really that old, right? We are still in the prime of our lives, and a lot of us still feel like we're just getting started on our path to being a "real grown-up." Maybe it's not the greatest that a lot of us still feel young, but times have changed since our parents were in their 30s. We've learned how to chill out and take our time in our lives. There's no rush, so let's all just relax and try to stay young longer.Here's the


Ikea Is Bringing Back The Couch Of Your Nightmares, And People Have A Lot To Say About It

Remember when you were growing up and you'd go hang out in the living room for hours and hours, never leaving your spot on the couch? Well, honestly I can't pretend much has changed, other than the fact that the couch has fewer flowers on it than ever before. Most people stick to a single color now, but back in the day there was apparently nothing more desirable than a good floral pattern. Big flowers, small flowers, pinks ones, or blue, every combination was waiting for you. We've all seen a lot of bad couches in our days, but when


There's Now Only One Blockbuster Left, But It Refuses To Give Up

We've all known for a while that Blockbuster was basically a lost cause. Most Blockbuster locations closed down many years ago, leaving behind their empty buildings that look like they house all the ghosts of the 90s. However there were a few places where Blockbuster Video refused to die. There were six locations remaining in Alaska, and one in Bend, Oregon, but this weekend marks a sad moment. All of the Alaskan Blockbusters have been officially closed. Four had actually been closed earlier in the year, but this weekend the final two locations closed their doors for good. But don't


Are Your Old Pogs Actually Worth As Much As People Claim?

People like to look back at their childhood and think about all the cool stuff they had. We all collected Beanie Babies, Pokemon Cards, Polly Pockets, and more, but one of the weirdest obsessions we all had was the Pog craze. Pogs were perhaps one of the most popular toys (if you could really call them that) of the 90s. They were basically little cardboard disks that had pictures on them, and the point of them was to collect as many as you could, trade them with your friends, and maybe compete for more using your "Slammer". A lot of


20 Bedding Sets That Every 90s Kid Dreamed Of Having When They Were Kids

I know that when most 90s kids looked through the Sears Wishbook, they focused on the toys. I definitely spent my fair share of time flipping through the pages of Barbies and Lego, but there was always one section that I couldn't resist and I cannot be the only one. Every single year, I would flip through the toys first, but then move on with excitement to the bedding section. Seeing all the latest and greatest comforters and blankets always brought a smile to my face.I don't know how many Christmases I asked for a "Bed-in-a-Bag" set that would


Seeing Celebrities' Homes From The 90s Is Like Stepping Through A Time Machine

Who else has a very vivid memory of what their house looked like in the 90s? Everyone's house has specific look depending on what their parents were into at the time. In our house we had green wall-to-wall carpets, a blue couch that was almost a velvet texture and of course, a lazy boy recliner. In our basement we had a hand-me-down couch from my grandparents that looked like it had seen better days. It was basically just the scratchiest material ever but it didn't matter because it was ours. Our houses may not have looked as cool as the


11 Things Every Kid Who Grew Up With A Horse Obsession Will Remember

It seems as though in every family there is someone who is obsessed with horses. I don't think that this is necessarily specific to the 80s or 90s, but it did seem to gain a little bit of mainstream attention. When I say obsessed, I don't mean the people who would ask for a pony once and then give up, I mean people like my sister who asked for a pony every year until she was old enough to make a presentation as to why she should have a horse. This is a real thing that happened... And it actually


Everyone Just Found Out That Neopets Was Run By Scientologists And They Are Not Happy About It

When the internet started being used by kids all around the country, there was one site that we all needed to visit. Neopets was the most important website on the internet if you were between the ages of 10-13. It was every middle school kids most important obsession, other than their beanie babies, but somehow these virtual pets felt more real than our tangible toys. You would pick a creature, name it, feed it, play with it, and take it on adventures every single day. You would spin a wheel, helping you collect neopoints, and you could use those points


7 Times The Beanie Baby Craze Went Way Further Than Any Of Us Realized

How much of your money did you spend on Beanie Babies? Be honest. More than you'd like to admit right? As much as a lot of us loved our Beanie Babies, there was a limit. Sure, I put my favorites in plastic boxes to keep them from getting dust on them, and okay, of course I put on a tag protector, I'm not a monster. But if even that sounds excessive to you, then boy, are you unprepared for what's coming up. People put a lot of effort into their Beanie Baby collections in the 90s. I mean, we were


20 Statements You Haven't Heard Since You Were A Kid That'll Flood Your Brain With Memories

Growing up, there are always phrases that are pretty specific to the time period. It's the same for every generation. There's always those statements that seem so relevant at the time, but looking back it feels ridiculous. Think about it, our parents didn't have flat screen TVs, a Nintendo, or the internet, those only became popular when we were kids. We are really lucky to have grown up in the time that we did, because we have gotten to experience the insanely fast technological advances that have been going on. Remember your first internet experience? You can probably still hear