
20 Songs From The 80s That Never Fail To Get Stuck In Your Head

The 80s was a time of big hair, bright clothes and the best music. There were crazy fun pop hits, awesome rock songs and crazy synth music that was taking over everything. The most notable thing? All of these songs would get completely stuck in your head. GiphyYou would be having a perfectly normal day, but then you'd hear one of these songs and then the rest of your afternoon was spent singing and dancing to a song no one else could hear. Think you  can make it through this list without getting one of these stuck in your


5 Movie Sequels That Almost Happened, But You'll Be Glad They Didn't

We all have our favorite movies, some that are universally loved, and others not so much. The thing is, Hollywood is a business and they want to make money. Sometimes that comes at the expense at things like quality or artistic integrity.  Movie studios obviously want to make the big bucks, so when they find something that works it's easy to overdo it. Although sometimes it's not even the studio, but the screenwriters themselves. They have immersed themselves in these stories so completely that they feel like they have more to tell. The movies don't always get made, which


The Backstreet Boys Were So Talented They Turned A Fart Into A Hit Song

I think it's fair to say that the Backstreet Boys are absolute stars. They have been around for 20 years now, and each and every time they pop into the news it's for something pretty wonderful.YouTubeThe backstreet boys have a whole bunch of hit songs, and countless hilariously amazing music videos but one of the most memorable is 'The Call'. The song came out as a single in February 2001 from the album Black & Blue, but only this year did we learn the true secrets behind it. backstreetboys.comThe music video is pretty intense, with all our favorite boys


10 Reasons Steve Martin Is The Greatest Comedian of Our Time

Steve Martin is one of the biggest comedy legends to have ever crossed the stage or screen. He has made so many classic performances that have completely captured our attention, whether it was with stand-up comedy, his appearances on SNL or in any of his amazing movies. GiphyThe actor has been around for quite some time, and his life is absolutely fascinating. He has had a pretty interesting career and even though people know a lot of his work, they don't actually know much about the man himself. Here are 10 super interesting facts to help you get to know


The '80s Cartoon Intros That Defined Our Childhood

I don't think anyone could argue that there was a better decade for cartoons than the 1980s. Whether they had epic narrators, incredible synth theme songs, or just showed us our favorite characters, as soon as we saw any of these intros, we knew we in for an awesome time.Giphy1. Ulysses 31This show was basically the Greek myth of Odysseus, but in the 31st Century and in spaaaaaaaaaaaace. There was something weirdly satisfying about singing along to all those "Ulyyyyyseeeeeeeees" parts.2. Disney's Adventures of the Gummi BearsA show based on candy had no business being this good, but