
Check Your Basement: These 13 Magic Cards Are Worth A Small Fortune

When Magic: The Gathering hit the scene in 1993, it changed the world of trading cards forever.Finally, there was a trading card game that older kids weren't embarrassed to be seen playing. Today, 20 million Magic players around the world are still collecting and trading their cards. But even if you've given up on the game, you might want to dig up your old collection.Certain magic cards are worth a bundle online. We've researched the average prices  for 13 of the most valuable cards (in good condition) on MTGPrices. See if any of these are tucked away


The 15 Best Happy Meal Toys From The 80s

As we all know, half of the reason we ever wanted to go to McDonald's as kids was to see what new toys they had in their Happy Meals! While we're used to some high-tech toys in our kids meals today, there was a time where we were happier with simpler pleasures.These toys are pretty vintage now, but in a way, seeing how far they have come makes them even cooler! Like trying to fly this Styro Glider from 1980 across the room!Time Passages Nostalgia CompanyOr the first Little Golden Book series they put out in 1982Yello80sThe Play-Doh


20 Pages From The 1991 Wish Book That Will Make You Feel Like A Kid Again

Sears Wish Books were basically the best thing ever. I think we can all agree that when we would receive them in the middle of summer we would immediately start planning our Christmas lists. Some kids would start marking up the pages even before our parents could see it. They probably didn't love when we would do that, but we got it first! We have already shown you a few other Wish Books, including 1983 and 1990, but what did Christmas wish lists look like in 1991? Wish Book WebYou've got to be excited if it is in the Super


15 Things All 90s Kids Hope To Never Suffer Through Again

Growing up in the 90s had a pretty unique set of stressful situations. Sure, it was never life or death, but sometimes it really felt like it. 90s kids experienced their own struggles, ones that kids today wouldn't understand at all.  They have their own problems, sure, but ours were pretty much the worst. I mean, of course we think that because they were our problems, but still! Check out the problems and see if any of these sound familiar:You lost your favorite Lip Smacker and can't find it in store anymore RetrolandWhen your bangs or your bowl


15 Things From The 1990 Sears Wish Book That Will Make You Miss Being A Kid

There was no piece of mail more exciting than the Sears Wish Book. Each year, it would arrive wrapped in plastic, almost like a gift itself. We would carefully rip into the package and reveal the best resource for all of our Christmas wishlists. We would carefully flip through the pages, and jot down the page numbers and product numbers that we wanted all before we would pass off the Wish Book to our parents. They were always patient with us when we would continuously reference things they had never heard of, probably because they had that super easy guide


Tamagotchis Are Back So It's Time To Relive Your Childhood!

We can all remember the day that we got our first Tamagotchi. We would promise our moms that we would play with it all the time and that it would absolutely be worth the money. We would bring them everywhere we went, whether it was to school or to a friends house. Brian CrecentreYou would have your electronic pet in your pocket or on a special lanyard around your neck at all times. They were basically the most important thing in your life for a while there, but then they got banned from school and eventually we outgrew them. Rolling


The Real Reason Lawn Darts Became The Most Infamous Toy In History

Lawn darts were a big part of our childhood, but now they are really hard to find - at least the kind we remember. Rumors have always been swirling about why the popular toy was banned, with some people saying that it was actually because a child died. Sarcasm.coIt's hard to believe that a children's toy would have been made if it could harm a child, so a lot of people just push this rumor aside as merely a scare tactic. However, it is actually true. The FDA had banned the sale of lawn darts as a toy in


AOL Instant Messenger Is Being Shut Down, And It's Truly The End Of An Era

Growing up in the 90s meant that you spent all the hours you could online. Obviously our moms would kick us off a lot because we were tying up the phone lines, but when they weren't home we just had to get back on to AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). ClevverAIM was basically what everyone did everyday. You would go to school, talk to your friends all day, bus home, and then log on to AIM to talk to your friends again. Sure, it had only been about 15 minutes since you were literally standing in front of them, but there


15 Toy Commercials From The '90s That We Could Never Forget, Even If We Wanted To

If you wanted to own some of the weirdest and best toys imaginable, the 90s were where you needed to be. Growing up at that time meant you could buy not one, not two, but three different dolls that could pee. It meant that your board games were based around murdering people. It meant that beating up your friends was just a fun good time as long as you covered your fists in balloons. YouTubeEvery toy we had in the 90s was simultaneously the weirdest and best thing ever. I don't know why we thought a lot of these things