Life | Fashion | 80s

15 Of The Most Important Celebrity Mullets That Are Too Iconic To Forget

Let's talk about mullets. Yes, mullets. Why? Because they are an important part of our past, one that we should look at with reverence and admiration, not disgust and agony.

Listen, I know what you're thinking. "Mullets aren't cool anymore, why would you still admire them?" Well, because they were a thing of beauty.

It was a commitment, it was a brave choice, it was a bold look, and it was iconic. It wasn't just your average Joe's haircut, it was every celebrity in Hollywood, rocking those multi-leveled hairstyles like you wouldn't believe.

I know it's hard to remember now. It's hard to look at the pictures and think "This was the definition of attractive" but that's what it was.

The best and the brightest sported this iconic style, and let's take a moment to pay tribute to the mullets that have fallen.

1. Billy Ray Cyrus

Mark Humphre

He was becoming a huge star with his hit "Achy Breaky Heart" but it was his mullet that was really getting all the attention.

Look at that length! It goes down past his shoulders and has such a nice natural wave to it. The short pieces stick straight up too, do you think he had to blow dry them?

2. John Stamos


It's truly a thing of beauty. John Stamos's mullet was basically a cast member on Full House until "Mr. Stephanie" cut it off in that episode where Stephanie is giving him a fake haircut that ends up being not so fake.

His hair was one of his trademarks, and even though the mullet is gone, it will never be forgotten.

3. Rob Lowe


Rob Lowe is one of those stars who seems to just get better looking as he ages, but maybe it's because he no longer poses with a big ol' mullet and a saxophone.

4. David Hasslehoff


He was maybe not the reason that most people watched Baywatch, but that's okay because when Knight Rider started he became a real star. Him and his mullet.

5. Brad Pitt

He looks afraid, as if he knows that right behind him is a big poof of hair that is just waiting until he's not looking before it attacks.

6. Mario Lopez


A.C. Slater was a proud mullet-sporting gentleman for many years. His signature look had the perfect amount of curl to it and accented those dimples so well.

7. Andre Agassi

His mullet-sweatband combo was an absolute epic win for the world of mullets. As he ran across the court, those long, flowing locks would flow behind him and I guess somehow they helped him become an all-star.

8. David Bowie


If you had to pick one person who could adapt to any style in the world, you'd obviously need to choose Bowie. He was able to do anything, wear anything, and become anything he wanted to. The mullet years were a particular highlight though.

9. Michael Bolton

His mullet was an epic look that all of his fans were obsessed with. It feels like he should still have it, even though I know he doesn't... Maybe he should grow it back?

10. Patrick Swayze


His subtle mullet was a nice nod to the style without all the commitment. He didn't have to grow it out as long as some of the other guys did, but he gave it a fair shot for sure!

11. George Clooney


Before his iconic Caesar-inspired cut, Clooney opted for a more popular mullet look. It was perfectly styled with those curls up front, but what else could you expect from Mr. George Clooney?

12. Kurt Russell

20th Century Fox

We all loved him in Overboard and Big Trouble in Little China, and that hair was absolutely on point. He really went all out with the mullet, rocking it for several years.

13. Richard Dean Anderson


This mullet could make its way out of any situation, and that's probably how it managed to last for so long. Little did everyone know, it's actually where all of MacGyver's skills came from. If he cut the hair he wouldn't know how to make crazy things out of duct tape and a match!

14. Ellen Degeneres

Joseph Del Valle/NBCU Photo Bank

Mullets weren't just for men, Ellen Degeneres tried out the iconic look and it definitely made a statement.

15. Rod Stewart


Oh Rod. what a look. His hair has always been a big thing for him, but I don't know that any look will ever top the original mullet.

Every mullet is pretty much equally amazing and equally terrible. The more outrageous it is, the more excellent it is.

Which celebrity mullet is your favorite?

Did you know they were trying their best to make a comeback? That's right, mullets are clawing their way back into popularity... or at least their trying to.

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