
Pokémon Go "Buddy System" Will Let You Walk With Your Favorite Pokémon

Pokémon Go is an hugely popular game that has been downloaded over 180 million times. It has already earned $440 million in the few months since its release, which is even more impressive given that the game itself is free. While the game seems to be on a bit of a downturn popularity wise, things may turn around when Niantic introduces the new "Buddy System" that was found hidden in the code of the latest release of the game.        GiphyThe Pokémon Go Buddy System was found by the Pokémon Go Hub and it explains what all

Pop Culture

The Truth Behind The 'Suddenly Susan' Star's Tragic Death And How He Spent His Final Night

Sitcoms were everything in the 90s. There were so many different options to choose from, that sometimes, a lot of the best shows were forgotten. Suddenly Susan was one of those great shows. When it started in 1996, it became one of the top rated shows. But after getting moved around in the schedule, it quickly fell out of the top five and moved down in the ratings. Even though the show wasn't as popular, it remained a treat to watch, except one episode that proved to be incredibly emotional. Trend ChaserThe stars of the show were some pretty notable


7 Things You And Your Sibling Fought About Even Though Your Parents Begged You To Stop

If you grew up with a sibling, you know exactly how frustrating it could be. They were always using the stuff you wanted, eating the last cookie, and telling on you for stuff you totally didn't do. Some things caused more debates then others, but we all know that they were basically a daily occurrence. Try as they might, our parents could never make us get along and take turns, because "they got to go first last time!" How many of these things remind you of your childhood with your sibling? 1. Who got the toy out of the cereal