30 Things You Will Only Remember If You're Over 30 Now
Oh, how times have changed! I look at the kids and teenagers nowadays and it's like they're growing up in a totally different world than the one I knew. Everything is so fast paced and technology-driven, unlike back in the 80s and 90s, when every new discovery and invention left us in awe.
Instead of Google, I had to look through encyclopedias to get more information on a topic, my friends and I played outside every day, Saturday mornings were reserved for cartoons, and visiting fast-food restaurants like McDonald's was a special treat.
If you also did these things, then you'll probably also remember the following:
1. The disturbing McDonald's mascot Mac Tonight that still gives you nightmares
2. Learning important life lessons from Sweet Pickles books
3. Playing Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road arcade video game
4. Reading books so you could get a free Pizza Hut personal pizza from the Book It! program
5. Watching this Pizza Hut commercial from the Land Before Time VHS
6. Then hosting your birthday party at Pizza Hut because it was the place to do it at
7. Dressing up in a plastic costume like this (look at that creepy mask) for Halloween and hardly being able to breathe in it
8. Saturday mornings weren't complete without Pee-Wee's Playhouse
9. Having a collection of scratch 'n' sniff stickers, but never actually scratching them to keep the scent intact
10. Never getting tired of watching flowers dance every time you turned the radio on
11. Having a character cake for your birthday and it made you the happiest
12. Wasting all your quarters on the Lucky Egg Machine, but you kept going back because of the cool noise it made
13. Buying toys and other merchandise from the Warner Bros. Studios store
The stores were all shuttered in 2001.