
7 Crazy Things From The '90s That Everyone Forgot Even Happened

The 90s were a pretty crazy time. Everything was changing so quickly with the invention of the internet, but even outside of technology the world seemed like it was full of newsworthy events. Whether it was political drama or bizarre entertainment news, there was always something to talk about. How many of these news stories do you remember reading about? 1. O.J. Simpson's wasn't just big, it broke records you didn't even know aboutAP95 million Americans tuned in to watch the O.J. Simpson trial. The televised event actually caused a record to be broken that had nothing to

Pop Culture

7 Ads We Grew Up With That Would Definitely Get Banned Today

Every company can tell you that satisfying the public is one of the hardest parts of brand management. One way to reach out to existing customers while drawing in some new ones is through advertisement campaigns. Companies have tried all sorts of techniques and creative angles to sell their products to us, they've toyed with our feelings and pulled at out heartstrings more times than we'd really like to admit. However, there have been times when they've also made us feel extremely uncomfortable by crossing the line. Some brands, like Calvin Klein, have pushed the envelope so far that they've


10 Celebrity Eyebrow Disasters From The '90s That Will Make You Cringe

Listen, we were all guilty of it, it was just a sign of the times. What are we talking about? Eyebrows. They were perhaps the most intensely groomed feature of our bodies, and yet there was hardly anything to them.Every celebrity in the world seemed to subscribe to these ultra thin brows in the 90s. Well, everyone except Brooke Shields, but she was one of a kind. Everyone else seemed to tweeze their eyebrows until there was only the thinnest of lines. Literally a pencil line would cover them. Luckily the super thin brows have fallen out of style,


18 Toys That Seemed Like Freakin' Magic When We Were Kids

There's a famous quote that says "magic's just science that we don't understand yet" and all of these toys are proof of that. As kids these things all seemed like they had to be powered by magic, even though it was mostly just science. Man, I wish life were still that simple. Here are 18 toys that totally blew our minds back then.1. Liquid TimereBayIt was basically just a fancy hourglass, but it was way more fun than just watching a sand one. Tell me that you wouldn't spend just hours watching this if you had the chance.2.

Pop Culture

If You Can Guess These TV Catchphrases, You Absolutely Grew Up In The '90s

Catchphrases have been a big part of TV since it was invented. It seems like every show had at least one character who had a signature phrase that they need to say in every single episode, otherwise it just didn't feel right. The 90s was jam-packed full of catchphrases that are absolutely iconic. It seemed like networks would only air a show if it had as many catchphrases per episode as humanly possible.Let's see if you can remember these 90s star's famous catchphrases. 1. Bart Simpson had a few, can you name any of them? Fox2. Steve Urkel was


10 Foods From Our Childhood We're Surprised Haven't Been Banned By Now

Growing up, we were exposed to a lot of foods we probably shouldn't have been. We didn't necessarily have any of this "all natural organic free range sung to sleep by angels" food that people eat now. We ate what was given to us and didn't worry about the consequences. That being said, there were some pretty questionable foods from back then that are still eaten today, and we're not quite sure why. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these foods should go away, I'm just saying I'm surprised they haven't. 1. SPAMEaterAs a general rule of thumbs, I