
Rumor Has It That Bruce Willis Forced A Movie To Go Over Budget Because Of His Hair

We all have those things that we tend to obsess over. Whether it's our bodies, our skin, or even our hair, there are just some things we are sensitive about. The thing is, actors have enough money and power to make those little concerns disappear, at least according to the rumors.There is a really prominent rumor that is pretty hilarious about Bruce Willis and his hairline, which caused quite the fuss. TriStar PicturesThe movie in question was called Hudson Hawk and while it was a critical flop that no one seems to remember, it is still the basis for


5 Movie Sequels That Almost Happened, But You'll Be Glad They Didn't

We all have our favorite movies, some that are universally loved, and others not so much. The thing is, Hollywood is a business and they want to make money. Sometimes that comes at the expense at things like quality or artistic integrity.  Movie studios obviously want to make the big bucks, so when they find something that works it's easy to overdo it. Although sometimes it's not even the studio, but the screenwriters themselves. They have immersed themselves in these stories so completely that they feel like they have more to tell. The movies don't always get made, which

Food and Snacks

15 Classic 90s Snacks That Will Bring You Back To Your Childhood, But How Many Can You Name?

Snack time is the most important time of the day. There are so many good options to choose from that sometimes it's hard to decide. Do you prefer sweet or sour? Salty or savory? Well, no matter what you prefer, there was absolutely a snack for you in the 90s. GiphyThe 90s had some of the best snacks. A lot of them are still available now, but there are some that are now discontinued. Whether or not they were left in the past, we will still be able to identify them without the packaging. How many do you think you