
#RoastThe90s Will Have Every 90s Kid Saying "True, True"

The 90s are something beloved by almost everyone who lived through them. And what do you do when you love something so much?You roast it to a crisp. Recently people took to Twitter using the hashtag "#RoastThe90s" to put our beloved decade under fire for some of the outrageous things we had to deal with. Here's some of our favorites. #RoastThe90sI want to use the internet, but my dad is on the phone— Ross Moorhouse (@RossMoorhouse) September 18, 2016 If you want to know the definition of irony, don't call Alanis Morissette. #RoastThe90s— Theresa (@tlcprincess)


10 Shows You'll Definitely Remember If You Grew Up in Canada in the 90s

If you grew up in Canada in the 90s, TVO Kids was LIFE. YTV was also life. And these shows were classics. Sure, they may have been slightly disturbing if you look back on it, but nothing can compare to that joy you had rushing home to watch Arthur at 4pm. Here are some of the classics you'll definitely remember. 1. Uh-Oh!Was I the only one who had a crush on Wink Yahoo? Yes? Ok. Regardless, Uh-Oh was the standard you held all other game shows to. If you weren't cheering for the red team, you were wrong. Not


7 Things You And Your Sibling Fought About Even Though Your Parents Begged You To Stop

If you grew up with a sibling, you know exactly how frustrating it could be. They were always using the stuff you wanted, eating the last cookie, and telling on you for stuff you totally didn't do. Some things caused more debates then others, but we all know that they were basically a daily occurrence. Try as they might, our parents could never make us get along and take turns, because "they got to go first last time!" How many of these things remind you of your childhood with your sibling? 1. Who got the toy out of the cereal


The Craziest Things Movies Have Done To Get The Perfect Shot

Every movie needs a director, and every director has a vision for the movie. While most things can be left to the skills of the actors or the special effects crew, sometimes the perfect shot needs a higher level of creativity. Not all of these were the best idea (in fact some of it may have been abuse) but no one can deny that the directors of these movies were able to do something incredible, with a little bit of ingenuity. Rocky IVQueensland TimesEven though Rocky ends up winning this one, the final fight against Ivan Drago nearly cost Stallone