
15 Times Shoulder Pads Proved They Were The Most Excessive Fashion Trend Of The 80s

A lot of the fashion choices we made in the 80s weren't out finest moments, but you know what, we have to live with it. The fact of the matter is, the popular styles were very different than they are now. We should probably just embrace our bad choices right? Own up to the embarrassing memories? Well, let's get into the biggest fashion mistake we are all guilty of: Shoulder pads. They were big, they were excessive, and they were everywhere. Like Totally 80sAll of our favorite stars wore them, our friends wore them, and of course we wore them


15 Old Caboodles Cases That You Know You Filled With Lip Smackers

We all had them. They were basically a requirement to be considered a preteen. What am I talking about? A Caboodles makeup case, obviously! Mirror80Getting one of these makeup cases was one of the ways that you knew you were growing up! As soon as you were old enough to own enough makeup or nail polish to necessitate a Caboodles case, you knew you were about to enter the days of training bras and teen magazines. You were becoming a real teen and it was time to pick the case that would accompany you on this dramatic period of your


You Can Party Like It's 1999 Forever If You Buy This Amazing 90s Themed Mansion

You know how a lot of people keep saying that they wish they could still be living in the 90s? Well, it's time to put their money where their mouth is because there is a house for sale that is basically like walking into a time portal.Look at it! ZillowIn Waterford, Michigan, a huge 10,000 square-foot house has been listed for sale and every single square inch of it looks as though it is straight out of the 90s. Needless to say, it's absolutely amazing. ZillowSure, you may be thinking "don't most houses have to be painted in


Can You Feel The Love For These Classic 'Lion King' Collectibles?

The Lion King was one of the biggest Disney movies ever made. The story seemed to captivate audiences both young and old, and you know what else? It made an insane amount of money. Walt Disney PicturesDisney had always done a good job of marketing their products, but it seemed that when The Lion King came out and they finally had a property that would appeal to both boys and girls they were able to go completely warthog-wild with their merchandise. How many of these things do you remember owning? There were a bunch of different options, but it seemed


15 Things That Prove Kids Today Should Be Jealous Of Our Childhoods

There are a lot of things that are awesome about being a kid. One of the best was obviously the fact that when you're a kid you have almost no responsibilities. Other than that, we had a bunch of amazing things that were super important to us at the time. How many of these do you remember? Wearing super bright spandex shorts Recollections of PlayGoing to The Disney Store with your parents and trying to convince them that you need everythingDVD DizzyPlaying Fireball Island as often as you couldYouTubeFollowing the story of Baby JessicaPeople WeeklyEating Pizzarias after schoolKeebler Dying of


You Lived Through The Swing Revival Of The 90s, But Do You Know How It Started?

The 90s were an interesting time. People were wearing enormous jeans, crop tops, crimped hair or frosted tips. In some cases they would combine them in truly bizarre ways. But one trend that was huge in the 90s was the Swing Revival and it's kind of hard to understand why. First ThingsWhere did it come from? Why did it happen? Who was manufacturing all of those fedoras? Well it seemed to start in the late 80s when rockabilly bands started to pop up in San Francisco. The Club DeLuxe in San Francisco is often credited with the birth place of


11 Things You'll Only Remember If You Lived Through The 90s

The 90s were a pretty epic decade. We had a whole lot of pop music, a lot of awesome cartoons, and totally radical fashions. GiphyThe thing is, a lot of the stuff that we experienced in the 90s is pretty much forgotten now. How many of these things do you remember? Evaluating our Beanie Baby collection to see which one was going to make us our fortuneRedditSetting up our Lite Brites with the coolest patternsRedditWearing rollerblades everywhere we wentImgurUsing Netscape Navigator for all our browsing needsSabahThe joy getting one of those orange VHS tapesRedditOwning one of these: Ghost of the