
Remembering The Bizarre McDonald's Halloween Promotions You Used To Be Obsessed With

Halloween was basically the most important time of the year when we were kids. I mean, it's when you get to dress up in a costume that makes you happy and run around your town demanding candy from strangers, what's not to love?While it wasn't quite as hyped up as Christmas was, there was one place that always seemed to know how to do Halloween right: McDonald's. The fast food giant was always good at getting into the spooky spirit, bringing some of the best promotions and events for us to enjoy, and we still remember them to this


15 Things We'd Get On Halloween That Were The Worst Part Of Trick-Or-Treating

Halloween is a privilege that kids are mostly taking for granted. You get to dress up in ridiculous costumes, and when you're young, you get to walk around and get free snacks from everyone in your neighborhood. You can't really go trick-or-treating when you're an adult, but at least now we can buy our own candy supplies. Sure, it's not as satisfying as getting it for free, but at least we get our sugar fix. There is, however, one benefit to having to buy candy yourself instead of running around town asking strangers for it. Instead of being given a


13 Easy Halloween Costume Ideas That Are Perfect For 80s And 90s Kids

I get it, Halloween is kind of tricky sometimes, especially if you don't want to go out and buy one of those premade costumes from Walmart. Sure, they are convenient, but then you end up with a cheap-looking costume that probably doesn't fit right so you end up feeling uncomfortable all night. And, as most of us ladies know, the options for women aren't really that great. Well, what if I told you I have solved your Halloween woes with a big ol' costume list for you? The best part about it is that they are all characters you love


10 Treats We Got On Halloween That Our Kids Will Never Get To Experience

Going trick-or-treating when you're a kid is probably one of the most important days of the entire year. When else are you supposed to get a whole bunch of free candy for little to no effort? I mean, I guess there's Easter and Christmas, but you know what, with Halloween you get to wear super fun costumes and pretend to be whatever you want. Those of us who enjoyed trick-or-treating as kids probably developed quite the sweet tooth, that often makes us crave some of the delectable snacks from our childhood. But here's the problem, some of our favorite candy


10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Movie That Absolutely Put A Spell On You

I think we can all agree that Hocus Pocus is one of the greatest Halloween movies ever. Sure, there are a bunch of spooky movies you could watch, but none will ever be able to hold a candle to this classic. It has remained a top pick by basically all 90s kids since it came out. So while we all pretend that the upcoming TV movie isn't happening, we should probably learn more about how this amazing movie was made. The producer of the movie came up with the idea for his daughtersBuena Vista PicturesIt was a bedtime story he


Which Horror Movie You Should Watch On Halloween Based On Where You Live

Halloween is almost here, so you know what that means: time to watch a scary movie! But there are so many good ones out there, how are you supposed to decide what to watch?Well, we've got you covered. All you have to do is find your state (or capital if you live in D.C. I guess) and we'll give you a horror movie that was either set or filmed there. Alabama - Get Out (2017)Universal PicturesYes, this movie is a lot more recent than what we’d typically talk about, but when your options come down to