
Brace Yourselves: They're Remaking Willy Wonka Again

Yes, it's been 13 short years since Hollywood remade Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, so that must mean it's time for another try.The original film based on the Roald Dahl novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is considered a classic children's film, and the late Gene Wilder's performance as the quirky chocolate maker is remembered as the best role of his career.ParamountOf course, if you grew up watching the original movie, you probably have some strong feelings about the 2005 remake starring Johnny Depp as the famous chocolateer.Warner BrothersWhether you liked the re-imagining, or think the original


7 Things About Drive-In Theaters That Prove They Are The Best Way To Watch A Movie

Drive-in theaters were a monumental experience for any teenager. Your parents were fine with you going to the movies, but it was as if the drive-in was this cool teenage-version of the movies, that you felt like a bad-ass for going to. 1. You could turn your car into a bedIf you or one of your friends parents let you borrow their hatchback or truck, you could turn the whole back into a pillow bed, making it the ultimate viewing experience.reddyorknot2. Double features Okay, probably the best part of going to the drive-in was paying for one movie and


Joaquin Phoenix To Star In The Joker's Origin Movie And The Internet Is Surprisingly Calm

While it's been almost two years since Jared Leto made his debut as the Joker in Suicide Squad, fans are still cringing at his disastrous performance. Luckily, everyone can take a deep sigh of relief as it's been announced a new actor will be playing the Crown Prince of Crime. DCAccording to Variety, none other than Joaquin Phoenix is poised to play the latest incarnation of Batman's most prominent rival in Warner Bros. and Todd Phillip's untitled Joker origins movie.Sources told the publication Phillips had met with Phoenix prior to the new year, and had only been waiting on


12 Hit Movies That Are Being Remade This Year - Whether You Like It Or Not

Everything old is new again, and that's especially true in Hollywood, where film studios are always looking for a sure thing.They're banking on yesterday's blockbusters to be a hit with new audiences, but as we all know remakes of great movies don't always live up to the original.Here are 12 classic movies that are getting remade in 2018:1. Tomb RaiderAlicia Vikander is the new Lara Croft.Warner Bros.Angelina Jolie found box office success when she embodied the famous video game explorer in a pair of movies. The Tomb Raider games are still going strong after more


We Finally Have More Details About The New Live Action 'Anastasia' Movie

Last year, just in time for the 20th anniversary of Anastasia, it was announced that the movie will be joining the ranks of Beauty and Beast and The Lion King by getting both the Broadway musical and live-action treatments. The 1997 film tells the story of a long-lost Romanov princess who was separated from her family and became an orphan. She eventually left her orphanage, but had to make a decision about her future - to continue living as "Anya the Orphan" or travel to Paris on a "journey to her past."Considering that it was one of the best


Ever Wonder What Happened To These Iconic Movie Props?

Movie magic is when the cast and crew of a studio are able to make an audience believe something extraordinary, using only the bare minimum to achieve the impossible. Some of the most memorable moments in film history have been thanks to a few well-made props that ended up becoming classic tropes in Hollywood. But what happens when their screen time is over and the director yells cut?Here's the weird and tragic endings for those famous pieces of cinema history!The Heart of the Ocean - TitanicThrillistThe incredible jewel that ties together the love triangle is what sparked the


The 6 Most Satisfying '90s Kisses That Made Us All Scream "YES"

Sometimes a movie or TV series likes to tease a romance for far too long. We can pick up on the tension between two characters, and watching their relationship develop is honestly such an emotional roller-coaster. We know it wouldn't be the same if they acted on their instant connection right away, and these 6 kisses waited until the best possible moment before they set fireworks off in our hearts!How Stella Got Her Groove BackThe rain pouring down on the taxi wasn't enough to hide our tears as Winston made his way to the airport, but our hearts leaped