
15 Things From The 1990 Sears Wish Book That Will Make You Miss Being A Kid

There was no piece of mail more exciting than the Sears Wish Book. Each year, it would arrive wrapped in plastic, almost like a gift itself. We would carefully rip into the package and reveal the best resource for all of our Christmas wishlists. We would carefully flip through the pages, and jot down the page numbers and product numbers that we wanted all before we would pass off the Wish Book to our parents. They were always patient with us when we would continuously reference things they had never heard of, probably because they had that super easy guide


The Strange Story Behind The Tetris Theme Song - Including Its Original Lyrics

If you grew up in the '80s or '90s, you can probably still see the iconic Tetris blocks falling when you close your eyes.Abandonware DosThe classic puzzle game of matching blocks and disappearing lines has a long and strange history that stretches throughout the final years of the Cold War. Tetris was originally created by Alexey Pajitnov, an artificial intelligence researcher at Moscow's Soviet Academy of Sciences.Pajitnov and his son.Pajitnov was working at the Academy's Computer Center in 1984, and would test the new hardware's strength by designing simple games. His creations were shared between departments, and


10 Awesome Facts About The Worlds Of Power Books

If your middle school library was anything like mine, there was probably a huge waiting list for the only copy of the Ninja Gaiden book from the Worlds of Power series.WikimediaThe classic young readers series adapted some of the best NES games into full-length books that doubled as game guides. But who came up with this genius idea? And why were only a handful of titles turned into books?1. They were meant to get young boys to readThe series seems like it was thought up in Nintendo's marketing department, but credit actually belongs to Seth Godin. He was