Video Games

NES Classics Are Coming Back To Stores Way Sooner Than Anyone Thought

Remember when the NES Classic came out? Remember the frantic frenzy we all experienced while we rushed to the stores to buy one, or spent all day refreshing the website to order online?Well, now you're getting your change to get one, because Nintendo has decided to re-release the NES Classic! The 8-bit system came out back in 2016, after The original NES was out of production for decades. They made the machine a little smaller, but the controllers were the same, and now it was actually loaded with a bunch of the iconic games we all love to play.

Video Games

We're Another Step Closer To Getting An N64 Classic Edition And It's All We Want

Okay, so a couple of years ago Nintendo released the NES Classic. It brought back all of our favorite games off the original console, and it sold out almost instantly. NintendoThen just last year, the SNES Classic that brought back the wonderful Super Nintendo. We got to play games like Yoshi's Island and Donkey Kong Country all over again, but still we've been patiently waiting for what's next. NintendoThe Rumors BeganNintendoIn July 2017, there was a leak of information that hinted that Nintendo may be on the track of creating a N64 Classic Edition due to a trademark they were