
25 Pages Of The 1994 JC Penny Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like You Traveled Through Time

While we were all busy flipping through the WishBook every year, they weren't the only exciting catalog we would find in our mailbox. While it may not have been our first choice, the JC Penny catalog was a close second when it came to making your Christmas lists. Honestly, our moms probably loved it more than anyone else, because where else would they find the latest fashion trends? Whether you needed a new velvet dress, a snappy business jacket, or a brightly colored hat, JC Penny was the first place on the shopping list. As for us kids, it was


20 Retro Products Every Nostalgia Addict Needs To Make Their Home Complete

I think we can all agree that we all have a bit of an obsession with our past. There's something special about the time that we grew up that makes us want to hold onto it harder and harder as we get older. Sure, maybe we are just trying to put off the inevitable, or maybe we are just finally capable of getting all the stuff we wish we could have gotten as kids. There's also the fact that now that we are now living on our own, we get to pick the decor and if we want it all


10 Totally Rad Pictures Of Malls In The 80s That'll Give You Serious Flashbacks

Nothing was more important to your young adult life than a trip to the mall. Sure, your parents wanted you to focus on your school work, but let's be honest here, that wasn't going to happen.Going to the mall was where you got all the latest gossip, the scoop on the latest music, and of course all of your fashion ideas. Going to the mall either after class, or on the weekend, was pretty much a requirement if you wanted to keep up in school. But it's hard to remember exactly how it used to look. Luckily for you,