
8 Movies We Believed Had "Happy" Endings That On Second Thought Really Weren't Happy At All

Everyone loves when the movie they are watching has a happy ending, where it seems like everything is wrapped up tight with a nice bow. But when we watch these movies, and see how they end, are they really "happy" endings? Or can we look a little deeper and realize that the whole thing could be considered a massive sham? These 8 movies have those "happy" endings, but when you get down to the bare bones of what really just happened, your mind will be sufficiently blown by what you realize you have missed. 1. Independence DayGreat movie. It was


10 Shows From The '90s That Everyone Should Know But No One Remembers

There were some great TV shows that made their debuts during the 90s. There were also more than a fair share of shows that flopped right out of the gate, but what about those underrated shows? We thought we would remind you of some of the shows you probably liked, at least a little bit, that have fallen through the cracks of time because they were so underrated. Let us know if you favorite show from the 90s ended up on this list.1. Mr. & Mrs. Smith Most of you will associate this with the box office smash that starred


12 Shows You Loved To Watch As A Kid, But Have Now Completely Forgotten About

I loved watching television growing up. Really, which kid growing up through the 90s and early 2000s didn't? The times have changed, and so has the television aimed at kids, and not for the better. I'm tired of forcing my kids to watch "educational" shows with little-to-no creativity all of the time. True, it is important to get some information packed in there, but whatever happened to watching shows purely for their entertainment value?Here are 12 shows from the 90s and early 2000s that were a joy to watch growing up, but you have likely forgotten all about them


Seeing What Went On Behind-The-Scenes Of "Dinosaurs" Proves They Just Don't Make Shows Like They Used To

The 90s can definitely be considered an era of strange, yet wonderful television. And the champion of the strange and wonderful had to be the iconic show Dinosaurs. Jim Henson had created these anthropomorphic reptiles just before he passed away, and the producers decided to bring the show to life after his death.The show centered around the Sinclair family; Earl, Fran, Robbi, Charlene, Baby, and of course Fran's ancient mother, Ethyl. twitter.comA lot more went into making the show than you would think, and the level of commitment the puppeteers had to make is absolutely astounding. Imagine having

Pop Culture

10 Things Dick Van Dyke Doesn't Even Know About Himself

Now over 90 years old, Dick Van Dyke has been a cultural icon for decades. He still hasn't retired but the longtime Hollywood standout has definitely slowed down in recent years. Long gone are the days of The Dick Van Dyke Show, and Mary Poppins, so let's take a look back at some things you would have never known about this legend.1. He was a ridiculously tall child.He was already over six feet tall before he turned 12. He wrote about being 6'1" by the time he was 11 in his book, Those Funny Kids: A Treasury of


8 Movies That Should Be Required Viewing For All 90s Kids

It seems like every other movie preview that shows up during a commercial break in our regularly scheduled programming turns out to be a massive flop. I loved the movies that I grew up with in the 90s. There were some that I was unable to watch because I wasn't old enough, and my parents wouldn't let. Going back through the movies of the 90s now, here are 8 highly underrated movies from the decade.1. That Thing You Do (1996)The story of a band who loses their drummer and must find a replacement. The new drummer brings a


We Thought Blockbuster Was Over, But It Still Refuses To Die

Man, I miss going to Blockbuster on Friday or Saturday nights. As a kid, it felt as if that was your reward for a hard fought week of school and extra-curricular activities. Unfortunately, the experience of browsing the aisles of your local video store will never be known the current generation of grade school students, except for those lucky enough to grow up in Alaska. indiewire.comI don't know a single one of my friends who didn't spend a weekend evening going up and down the aisles with indecision, wondering what movie they wanted to watch, or what video game

Pop Culture

8 Times Super Heroes Were Actually Really Offensive

What we as adults tend to find offensive, kids barely even seem to notice. This is especially true for cartoons, movies, and comic books. It is only when we look back at some of the shows that we used to love to watch that we begin to notice things like stereotypes playing prominently throughout the stories. Here are eight of the most offensive super hero cartoons to ever make it onto television.1. Captain Planet The basis for this show was great, saving our planet by being environmentally conscious, there were always teachable moments from every episode. The long and


10 Goosebumps Books That Still Scare Us As Adults

I remember having to get a note signed by my parents in order to be able to borrow and read any of the Goosebumps books from my grade school library. I was only in grade 2, but I still wanted to be able to scare myself with these (now classic) kids books. My kids are almost at the age where I am comfortable reading them the stories that I grew up on, and when that day comes I am going to very excited. If you're in the same boat, here at the 10 Goosebumps books I recommend that you start


10 Wildly Inappropriate Moments From Your Favorite Childhood Cartoons

As I sit and watch cartoons with my children these days, I notice quite a stark difference between the content now portrayed compared to what I remember watching as a child myself. Illustrators and writers are more aware of what will be deemed inappropriate, and they go to great lengths to avoid anything controversial. It wasn't always this way. Here are 10 times that cartoons from my childhood crossed a line into, "did that just really happen?"1. Rugrats - Tommy and Angelica's head.I am sure that no one drew this up intentionally, in fact, without the screen shot