
Top 3 Gambling Movies Of The Noughties

The 2000s was a huge decade in terms of world events, cultural breakthroughs and the steady advance of technology. In music it was the decade that Beyoncé broke through, making Crazy In Love arguably the defining song of her career. On TV The Office changed the face of comedy forever, going on to reach even greater heights than its UK debut when it underwent a US transformation and introduced Dunder Mifflin to the world. It was also the decade that saw the very first iPod launched, changing forever the way that we buy and listen to music.It was also

Pop Culture

40 Celebrity Prom Photos That Are More Embarrassing Than Your Own

Graduating seniors celebrate by getting all dressed up and dancing the night away with their peers for the last time.It's a night to remember, which is why dozens of photos are taken at prom.  But I'm sure there are some celebrities who wish their prom photos were never leaked online. If you thought your prom photos were awkward, you've seen nothing yet...1. Barack Obama TimeThese four look like they had a grand time at their senior prom. They're draped in leaves and flowers, which means one thing - this photo was taken at a high school in


The Political Scandal That Honestly Puts Even Today's News To Shame

Scandals and politics go together like peanut butter and jelly, and we like to sink our teeth into them just as much as the sandwiches. The '90s, specifically the Clinton administration, had its share of scandals, but one stands above all the rest: The Lewinsky Affair.Bill Clinton, depending on who you talk to, was a fairly successful president who navigated his way through troubled waters for 8 years. At his peak he had a 73% approval rating, and left office with 65% of Americans saying he had done a good job, higher than any other president since Harry Truman.