
12 Discontinued Snacks From Our Childhood We Really Miss

Companies spent a lot of time designing these masterpieces and marketing them to the public, and all for what? They got us obsessed with countless snacks until one day they decided to discontinue them. Here are 12 true snack tragedies that we really want to make a comeback. 1. Planterz Cheeze BallsYouTubeOnline petitions after online petitions could not bring back these crunchy, stick-to-your-fingers cheese balls. It was discontinued in the early '00s, and Planter's seems to now be focusing on nut-based snacks. 2. Chicken McNuggets Shanghai McDonald'sMcDonald's knew exactly what kids liked, and these McNuggets that came with


10 Times Your Favorite Stars Endorsed Products You Would Have Never Predicted

Look, everyone has to pay the bills. We all have to work if we want to buy stuff, but for celebrities, their work just happens to be a lot more public. When they have to do something a little bit embarrassing to make some cash, we all get to watch it happen. On the plus side, they make a lot of money while they do it, but it still must be a bit awkward remembering it after the fact. Whether it's the one-hit-wonders who are just looking for something to help them return to the public eye, or someone who


Which Movie Won The Oscar For Best Picture The Year You Were Born

With the Oscars coming up at the beginning of March, we thought it would be cool to look back at the movies that won for best picture the year you were born. For the purposes of this list we are only going to look at the movies between 1975 and 1995. Do you know which movie won best picture the year you came into this world? 1975 - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Little White LiesBased on Ken Kesey's novel, this movie beat out Jaws for best picture. 1976 - Rockybbc.comThe movie that introduced us to Sylvester Stallone,


These 6 Totally Bitchin' Facts About "Valley Girl" Are So Whatever

Like, remember when everyone in the 90s totally spoke as if they just like, stepped out of Cali? It was seriously grody, right?Well thankfully we have moved on from this time in our lives, but if you ever wanted to take a spin down memory lane, there is no better time capsule of eye-rolling goodness than 90s low-budget flick Valley Girl. Check out these facts that are like, zlint to the max!A Rose By Any Other NameFilm School RejectsThe cult classic was a definite remake of the famous play Romeo and Juliet. Makes you wonder about the ending


25 Disturbing Garbage Pail Kids That Still Gross Us Out Decades Later

Long before fidget spinners were banned from playgrounds across America, teachers struggled to control the spread of the giddily disgusting Garbage Pail Kids cards.While we tried to get our grubby little hands on every single set of these trading cards, looking back we wonder how we could stomach the nasty designs. Here are 25 cards that still make our stomachs churn:1. Slain WayneToppsWhile boogers were the bread and butter of garbage pail kids, the cards weren't afraid to stray into very adult territory. This scene of a death by execution was definitely one of their most questionable images.


10 Things You Owned In The '80s That Are Worth A Fortune Now

You know what's safer than buying stocks: keeping all your childhood toys until they'll be worth enough money to fatten up your wallet in the next few decades. Countless people around the world have made thousands, and even millions, of dollars selling vintage items like action figures, dolls, cards, vinyls, and more. Here are 10 things you may have owned in the 80s that are worth a lot of money now. 1. Garbage Pail Kids CardsGeeks are Sexy Technology NewsThese vulgar cards can range in price, but one lucky holder of the Garbage Pail Kids's Adam bomb card sold the


Where Did Steve Guttenberg Go And Could He Please Come Back?

Of course the 80s had a bunch of huge stars. The Brat Pack dominated the magazines, Tom Cruise was in all the most popular movies, and Michael J. Fox had time traveled into our hearts, but there was one man who was in many of your favorite movies even though he wasn't as huge of a name.Steve Guttenberg started his career in 1978, but it was in the 80s that he truly became a star. When he starred in Police Academy, everyone realized just how great he was. He made the sequel for that, followed by Cocoon, which was


6 Facts About "Teen Wolf" That Will Leave You Howling

Who else was stalking a full-moon when this low-budget cult classic hit the big screens? This comedy-drama gave us the typical story of a young boy just trying to make his way through high school. A guy is ignored by his crush, he can't play basketball well, he has hair growing from weird places on his body, you, know average stuff. Oh, and he's a werewolf. Michael J. Fox absolutely nailed this performance that had us rolling on the ground from laughter, and yet also taught us some pretty rad life lessons. Just not from Coach Finstock. Here are some


5 Fragrances You Were Obsessed With In The 80s And 90s That Are Actually Still Available

There a few fragrances that bring you right back to your childhood in the 80s and 90s. Whether they were scents you wanted to wear, or what your mom had on, the memories seem to come flooding back as soon as it hits your nose. Have you ever looked back on those fragrances from the 80s and 90s and wished you could buy them again? Well, a lot of them are actually still available! Here are the 5 best scents of the 80s and 90s that you can still buy today. 1. Chanel Coco - $100The Non BlondeThere was no