
Can We Talk About What's Going On With Randy Quaid?

Randy Quaid has been around Hollywood for a fairly long time. When he was just 23 years old, Quaid was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in the film, The Last Detail. Best ActorOlder brother of Dennis Quaid, Randy became a household name for his role in National Lampoon's Vacation as Cousin Eddie. Quaid married Ella Marie Jolly in 1980, and the two welcomed a daughter, Amanda Marie, in 1983. In 1986, however, the couple split after just six years of marriage. The divorce was finalized in 1989, and Quaid says it was all on him. "I


7 Facts About 'Fraggle Rock' That Will Make You Want To Dance Your Cares Away

Growing up, there were a bunch of amazing shows that we enjoyed, but a few really stood out. We obviously all loved Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, and of course Fraggle Rock. Basically any time we saw a Muppet, we were immediately sold on the premise of the show, no matter what it was. Fraggle Rock was probably the most underrated of the Jim Hensen projects. Sure, we all were completely obsessed with it, but it only lasted five seasons. Sesame Street is still on the air, but where are our Fraggles? There was a lot that went on behind


"Die Hard" Creators Finally Explain The Film's Biggest Plot Hole

After Die Hard was released in theaters in 1988, it became one of the biggest action movies of all time. And that still holds true today. Whether you watch it every Christmas or when you have a hankering to see Bruce Willis kick some ass, there's no doubt that Die Hard never gets boring. At the time, Bruce Willis was known for the TV series Moonlighting, but this film skyrocketed him into stardom. Hollywood ReporterDie Hard became so popular that it was followed by four sequels, and there may be one more in the works. As great as the original


Why Michael Keaton Deserves Way More Credit Than We Give Him

In the last few years, we've seen a ton of new movies being released with famous actor Michael Keaton. Yet it seems that throughout this revival of his reputation, we're still stuck picturing him from his most famous motion pictures, some of them giving him a slightly ridiculous image. But Keaton is actually quite a capable actor, with many serious and moving roles to his name. Here are just a few that you may have forgotten about. Mister Rogers NeighborhoodThis Is Not PornKeaton got one of his first major roles on the beloved children's show as a volunteer, but would


The 21 Absolute Weirdest 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Novels

When we were kids, we couldn't get enough of these addictive novels that put you in the driver's seat.Writer Edward Packard revolutionized kids' books when he wrote the first "Choose Your Own Adventure" novel, but his flagship series inspired some pretty odd titles. Here are 21 of the series' most bizarre entries:1. Prisoner of the Ant PeopleBantam BooksAs you can probably guess from this insane cover, this books puts you in the middle of inter-planetary intrigue as you combat the Evil Power Master and his Ant People. "Evil Power Master?" Isn't that name a little obvious? How about


25 Nostalgic Things That Are Painfully Relatable To Anyone Who Ever Had A Childhood

They say a picture says a thousand words, but the only words these photos will have you saying is "Oh my god, I totally remember that!"1. The best day in gym classEbaum's WorldNo clue what this was supposed to teach us, but it was always fun.2. How we all learned mathTwitterThough honestly, we mostly used them to have sword fights.3. The seat we all wanted to sit in on roadtripsImgurWe all knew it was the best seat in the house.4. One of the hardest decisions we had to make as kidsDaisy Lane CakesIt would


7 Shows From The 80s That No One Bothers To Mention Anymore

There are shows we all remember from our childhood, like Family Ties, M*A*S*H, The Wonder Years, etc. But amidst all those generational favorites, there were other TV shows that didn't get as much attention. Some might even call them forgotten. These shows might not have deserved to be held as high as the rest, but they certainly didn't deserve to be locked in the proverbial basement. 1. My Sister SamCBS/AOLYou probably remember the show Mork & Mindy, but few people remember the short-lived spin-off, My Sister Pam. The show premiered in 1986 to solid ratings, but the


20 Retro Avon Decorations That Your Mom Still Puts Out Every Year

It's almost as if you can hear the jingle bells coming around the corner, because Christmas is sneaking up on us quicker than you realized. Celebrating Christmas when you were a kid was probably a lot less stressful than it is now. You didn't really have anything to think about, all you had to do was make your list for Santa and wait for Christmas morning. Chances are you spent a lot of time looking at your family's Christmas decorations. Whether you were working on trimming the tree, or just hanging out with your parents while they baked cookies, the


25 Crafts Absolutely Everyone Made In Art Class

I wish I could go back to the simpler days, when we all spent an hour of our day building some crafts with paste, cardboard and pipe cleaners. Then, we could bring it home and show our parents.You really don't know what you've got until it's gone. Take a trip down memory lane with these 25 crafts that we all made in art class at least once.1. First and foremost, we made this craft in every classViceA masterpiece.2. We all decorated our home with a few of theseFun Family CraftsWas anybody dumb enough to put an actual