
Michael Jackson Dance Moves We All Tried (And Failed) To Copy

Prince Jackson, Michael Jackson’s 20 year old son, recently admitted he doesn’t have an ounce of his father’s dancing talent—making him just like most of us.The King of Pop passed away in 2009, but he left a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.Let’s take a look at the entertaining legend’s iconic dance moves we all attempted at some point in our lives. The KickMJ loved this dance move so much he incorporated it into most of his dance routines. You’ll have to slow down the video to really


There's A New 'Ninja Turtles' Cartoon Coming, And They've Made Some Big Changes

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been around for decades now, but every few years they try to bring it back and change it up. Of course, there is nothing that will ever beat the original, but given the world's current obsession with reboots it was only a matter of time before they tried something new. There has been a 3D style television show running for a while, but now Nickelodeon is going back to basics with a 2D animated series! Similar in style to to the recent DuckTales revival, they are reverting to the classic 2D animation that we


6 Facts About Full House That Will Leave You Saying "Have Mercy!"

Were you a fan of Full House when it was on, or did you warm up to it after the show ended? No matter when you started tuning into the Full family, we can all agree that the reason we kept coming back to this show was more than just the hilarious jokes, or the cutesy wiles of the Olsen twins, or even the charm of Uncle Jesse. Even if you've watched these episodes 100 times over, I bet you still didn't know all of these behind-the-scenes facts from the family that came together!What's In A Name?Atlas ObscuraThe


Another Stephen King Classic Is Coming Back To The Big Screen

Stephen King has given us timeless classics since 1973. Novels like The Shining, Firestarter, Carrie, IT, Cujo, The Green Mile, and The Long Walk are known by horror and thriller fans all over the world. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, and it doesn't look like he's slowing down anytime soon. WikipediaMany of King's novels have been made into movies, and even those became blockbuster hits. The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Misery and Carrie were all either nominated for or won Academy Awards. Though King himself never received an Oscar, his stories did. Vintage Movie PostersIMDbMost


10 Wildly Inappropriate Moments From Your Favorite Childhood Cartoons

As I sit and watch cartoons with my children these days, I notice quite a stark difference between the content now portrayed compared to what I remember watching as a child myself. Illustrators and writers are more aware of what will be deemed inappropriate, and they go to great lengths to avoid anything controversial. It wasn't always this way. Here are 10 times that cartoons from my childhood crossed a line into, "did that just really happen?"1. Rugrats - Tommy and Angelica's head.I am sure that no one drew this up intentionally, in fact, without the screen shot


10 Trading Cards We All Spent Way Too Much Money Trying To Collect

Before everything 'cool' transferred online, we had trading cards to show off to our friends. The thrill of ripping open that wax package to see which cards were inside was exhilarating. Then we inserted, and organized, each valuable collectible in plastic trading card pages and placed them in a three-ringed binder. Or maybe you were one of those people who liked to keep them in their plastic wrap hoping that one day the cards will be worth thousands. Pokemon trading cards.Property RoomWe know there were many trading cards that made you look cool, whether they were based on your