
The New Jumanji Movie Will Feature A Tribute To Robin Williams

Everyone tends to be a little uneasy with reboots, remakes and sequels and for fair reason. Sometimes you go to see a sequel or remake years after the original and it's absolute garbage, but every once and a while one slips through the status quo and manages to do quite well. The latest reboot that has been under question is the new Jumanji. The classic 90s movie staring Robin Williams is one of those 90s hits that is still perfection. IMDBWhen they said they were remaking the movie everyone got pretty concerned, but now one of the stars has spoken


13 Of The Worst Things That Could Possibly Happen To You In The 90s

Growing up we had a lot of stuff going on. There were new technologies being thrown at us every day, a crazy new fashion styles that seemed to change every year, and we were all going through puberty.That's a a lot for kids to handle! We were all being challenged mentally, emotionally and physically. The trials and tribulations we went through maybe weren't the most dramatic things ever compared to other generations, but they were ours and it's pretty hilarious to look back at what used to be our biggest problems. 1. Bottoms of your baggy pants getting soaked


20 Amazing Sitcom Dads You Secretly Wished Were Yours

Having a good dad is important when you are a kid. There is a lot of stuff that your dad (or surrogate dad) can teach you and it's important to acknowledge him properly. Because we all grew up watching way too much TV, we probably spent a fair amount of time with some fictional dads. Let's give some recognition to those TV dads who brought us so much joy over the years! There are a bunch of great dads, and some so-bad-they-are-good dads that we all grew up with who deserve as much praise as we can give them. Check


10 Songs From Your Childhood That Still Don't Make Any Sense

When you're a kid and you are bopping along to the radio you just sign the words you hear. Often times you don't know if you are singing them right, others you just have no clue what they actually mean. How many times have you gone back to your favorite pop songs and realized they were horribly filthy? GiphyYeah... And we sang those out loud in the car with our parents. Yikes. Some of the songs from our childhood were just complete nonsense, so it's really no our fault for not getting it right? I mean, it was like singers


10 Times N64 Games Nearly Ruined All Your Childhood Friendships

Growing up, Nintendo was always a very important part of your day. Even if you didn't have one, chances are you had a friend who did. Sleepovers and birthday parties would be centered around the Nintendo, because obviously what else would you do? RacketBoyWhen the N64 came out everything became so much more intense than it had ever been. Sure, there were multiplayer games with the NES or the SNES, but nothing quite as rage-fueled as the games that you could get on N64. The competitive nature of all of our friends would bubble to the surface and honestly, it's


Waldo From The Little Rascals Is All Grown Up And Wow Does He Look Different

He had one of those faces and voices that were so iconic to our childhood, yet most of us have no idea what happened to him. Blake McIver played a few very notable roles including Waldo Aloysius Johnston III in The Little Rascals and also Derek in Full House. #tbt Business Casual '94 A post shared by blakemciver (@blakemciver) on Jul 23, 2015 at 11:21am PDT He was around for a lot of our childhood but then sort of vanished from the public eye. It's weird that you don't hear about him as much anymore because his singing


14 Times Golden Girls Was Too Savage For Its Own Good

If you didn't grow up watching Golden Girls, did you really have a childhood?We have all been thanked for being a friend, for travelling down the road and back again. But really, is it not US who should be thanking THEM for years of entertainment?Blanche, Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia gave us laughs time and time again, but they also delivered some cold-blooded savageness that we didn't always catch as kids. Here are some of the best Golden Girls moments you may have forgotten. 1. https://welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com/post/146993520620 2. Sherlock Isn't Gay3. TV House