
'Heathers' Reboot Pushed Back "Out Of Respect"

The 1988 movie Heathers was basically the original Mean Girls. Winona Ryder, Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, and Kim Walker played a clique of high school girls who were the epitome of terrifying teens. Ryder's character, Veronica, misses her old friends and hates that she's part of the Heathers. Her psychotic boyfriend J.D., played by Christian Slater, goes around killing all the people he doesn't like, which includes the Heathers. Ah, to be young again! The movie is a cult classic, and gave us iconic lines like "What's your damage?" and "f--k me gently with a chainsaw..." But people were


5 Forgotten Workout Videos We Were All Completely Obsessed With In The 90s

Growing up in the 90s wasn't all just scrunchies and platform shoes. You had to work out a lot because for some reason every 90s designer thought we all wanted to wear crop tops. Hey designers, guess what? We didn't. There was a lot of pressure on being thin, and honestly as a young girl at the time, hearing models like Kate Moss say, "nothing tasted as good as skinny felt" really confused me. I mean, had she never eaten ice cream? Ice cream tastes better than anything feels. Anyways, we're getting off track. The fact was, we all had


15 Things We All Said In The '80s That Were Like Totally Not Grody

Long before emoticons, we used our words to express every little detail about life in a cool way. Or so we thought? I'm kidding, the 80s were actually the best. So, like, everyone, get ready to ride this roller coaster of nostalgia. It's going to be tubular and super rad! 1. "Bag your face"Having to cover your face with a bag because of people's negative perceptions of your appearance was one of the greatest insults. I ran home crying on many occasions. 2. "Grody to the max"Gross wouldn't suffice. If things were nasty, they were grody ... to the


10 Of Our Favorite Childhood Snacks We Still Secretly Love As Adults

Children's taste buds are pretty standard, they like anything sugary or unhealthy. As you grow up, you find new loves for different flavors and foods. As your palette expands, you tend to forget about your favorite childhood foods, that is until you have kids. Although I still eat like a normal human, some of my favorite childhood snacks still have a place in my heart, and they are my guilty pleasure. Here are 10 of our childhood favorites that we still can't say no to. 1. Grilled cheeseI think when I am 80 years old, I will still love a


10 Accessories Every 80s Girl Wore That Have Thankfully Not Stood The Test Of Time

You know those times you're just sitting thinking about the good ol' days and you smile? Well, do you actually think of everything? I'm not saying today's fashion is amazing compared to eighties fashion. The 80s had style, don't get me wrong. I loved all the color, scrunchies, slogan t-shirts, Reebok shoes, and a bunch of other things. But there were some things I didn't love at all, like these 10 accessories that EVERY 80s girl owned. I'm sure you'll agree. There's a reason they haven't stood the test of time...1. Plastic Charms Google SitesI don't know what I


Spice Girls Reuniting For The Royal Wedding

File this under: things I would absolutely make my husband do for me if I was marrying a royal. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, who will be getting married in May, have been making headlines since they went public with their engagement. So many protocols were broken on Harry's end, and so many barriers were broken on Meghan's. Harry didn't attend the Boxing Day hunting expedition with his family, because his fiancee is a big animal rights activist. "The Boxing Day shoot was always going to be a tricky issue," a royal insider said. "Meghan is a keen animal rights


9 Things We Always Saw At Our Grandparents' House

Growing up, our grandparents's house was the one place that never seemed to change. You could count on it to always be there and always be the best place to be pampered and loved by your grandparents. Here are nine things we always saw in our grandparent's house:1. The best food.I feel like it's a rule that grandparents have to buy the best food ever. Whenever I went to their house, my grandma would break out the best snacks ever, that I was never allowed to have at home. Also, grandmas are always the best cooks so you


11 Things All 90s Kids Did When They Had A Crush That Kids Today Don't Have To Suffer Through

Ah, young love. There's nothing like it!Remember the days when you didn't have Tinder or texting or Facebook or eHarmony or Snapchat or ANYTHING remotely helpful? It was just you, the person you liked, and a landline phone. That was it. Hope you had their phone number.It was wildly stressful having a crush in the 90s. And frankly it still is. But these were some of the ways we dealt with it. 1.You seriously considered a full makeover.If 90s movies taught us anything, it's that outer beauty is the only thing boys care about. Better make


9 Thoughts Every 90s Teen Has When They See A Teenager Today

People definitely thought the same way about us when we were teenagers, but something about today's teens make me want to shake them until they understand they're annoying. Here are 9 everyday thoughts about today's teens.1. "Oh wow, I feel old."There's nothing like seeing today's teenagers that makes you remember your own youth. Then you realize you're 30 years old, with no money and a never ending student debt.2. "They're going to regret that."Posting half-naked pictures of yourself on the internet will not do you any favors in the future. I just can't tell if they


12 Pictures Of Men’s Fashion From The '70s That Will Make You Glad Baggy Jeans Exist

I'm glad I didn't grow up in the 70s. While women's fashion back in the day wasn't the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, men's fashion was just hideous. Men wore tight booty shorts, bell-bottoms, cable-knit vests, drawstring pants, and lots of other clothes that just yelled "I'm so stylish." But hey, that's just my opinion. Take a look for yourself: 1. If Coachella existed in the '70s, I'm certain all guys would be dressed like this. As a woman, I haven't even worn shorts like that! Vintag2. This Dustin Hoffman look-alike seems like he's having a grand time. On