
15 Toys From Your Childhood That Used Batteries Like They Were Going Out Of Style

Parents these days complain that their kids are glued to smart phones and tablets, but at least those are rechargeable.When we were kids, toy makers expected you to add a huge pack of AAs to your weekly grocery list just to keep the toys in your household running. While lots of toys still use batteries, they didn't eat them up like these 15 toys from our childhood.1. TalkboyHughes EntertainmentThese were a must-have after being featured in Home Alone 2, but they didn't run on your imagination. It took four AAs to power up this handheld recorder, so it


7 Crazy Things From The '90s That Everyone Forgot Even Happened

The 90s were a pretty crazy time. Everything was changing so quickly with the invention of the internet, but even outside of technology the world seemed like it was full of newsworthy events. Whether it was political drama or bizarre entertainment news, there was always something to talk about. How many of these news stories do you remember reading about? 1. O.J. Simpson's wasn't just big, it broke records you didn't even know aboutAP95 million Americans tuned in to watch the O.J. Simpson trial. The televised event actually caused a record to be broken that had nothing to


10 Celebrity Eyebrow Disasters From The '90s That Will Make You Cringe

Listen, we were all guilty of it, it was just a sign of the times. What are we talking about? Eyebrows. They were perhaps the most intensely groomed feature of our bodies, and yet there was hardly anything to them.Every celebrity in the world seemed to subscribe to these ultra thin brows in the 90s. Well, everyone except Brooke Shields, but she was one of a kind. Everyone else seemed to tweeze their eyebrows until there was only the thinnest of lines. Literally a pencil line would cover them. Luckily the super thin brows have fallen out of style,


10 Kinds of Chewing Gum That Made Everyone In The School Yard Want To Be Your Friend

If you think about it, being considered "cool" was not that hard when you were a kid. All you had to do was bring in the right snacks.Most kids were picky when it came to what candy and chocolate they liked best, but no one would say no if you offered them a piece of gum. Here are 10 types of chewing gum that made everyone befriend you on the school yard. 1. Do you remember how you'd have competitions on who could blow the biggest bubble? Amazon2. "Juice gum" has been around since the '80s, and no kid


18 Toys That Seemed Like Freakin' Magic When We Were Kids

There's a famous quote that says "magic's just science that we don't understand yet" and all of these toys are proof of that. As kids these things all seemed like they had to be powered by magic, even though it was mostly just science. Man, I wish life were still that simple. Here are 18 toys that totally blew our minds back then.1. Liquid TimereBayIt was basically just a fancy hourglass, but it was way more fun than just watching a sand one. Tell me that you wouldn't spend just hours watching this if you had the chance.2.


16 Reasons Why A '90s Christmas Was The Best Christmas

Christmastime is still a wonderful season, but it seemed magical back in the '90s. The internet was slowly making its way into the mainstream, but not fast enough to ruin your holiday cheer and attention. Here are 16 very convincing reasons why a '90s Christmas was the best Christmas! 1. Even "cool" guys and gals got into the holiday spirit. BuzzFeed2. Carolers, who seemed to pop out of nowhere, were the best. Doncaster Freepress 3. Christmas parades were like real life magic.  Orlando Weekly4. Nothing says the most wonderful time of the year than festive Christmas-colored cereal. BuzzFeed5. Kevin