
Remember Your First Friend, Myspace Tom? Here's What He's Up To These Days

Before we wasted every free second of our lives on Facebook (kind of like you're doing right now) we were obsessively tinkering with our Myspace profile page.If you made it into Princess Kimberly's Top 8, you earned a guest spot on her reality show.MyspaceSay what you will about Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, or any other social media platform. They just don't measure up to the hours we spent answering surveys and watching Dane Cook videos on Myspace. And of course, Myspace had a secret weapon that made it much friendlier than any other site: Tom Anderson.


10 Anti-Drug PSAs From Your Childhood That You Talk About In Therapy

When former U.S. President Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs in the '70s, there were countless anti-drug PSAs that filled our television screens advising the youth to stay in school and to say no to drugs.During the '80s and '90s, hard drugs made their way into suburban neighborhoods and became a rampant issue in youth populations. All this fearmongering didn't stop everyone from saying yes to drugs, but it probably did scare the heck out of some people. When you look back now, you can't help but laugh at some of them. 10. Pee-wee Herman says crack


6 News Stories That Defined 1997

Can you believe that we're getting further and further away from that weird and mystifying decade that was the 90s? So much happened that changed the world for years to come, and we all thought that it could easily end with the millennium. It can be hard to remember everything that happened this month, let alone twenty years ago!Hold on, we're about to take a trip down memory lane and check out some of the most astonishing headlines from 1997.President Clinton Bans Human CloningNatureFollowing the famous birth of Dolly the Sheep, the world's first cloned mammal, then-president Bill


How The Hampsterdance Took Over The Internet, And Then The World

When historians sit down to write the strange tale of the 21st century, the internet will probably give them a lot of trouble.The original Hampsterdance website featured just four gifs repeated in rows.Take "The Hampsterdance" for instance: almost 20 years after this strange internet phenomenon got its start we all know the song by heart. And if you're old enough to remember the website, those dancing hamsters are burned into your brain. But why did we become obsessed with these adorable rodents? The answer is pretty surprising.It all started with Deirdre Lacarte, an art student who was


Is Mall Madness Worth As Much Money As People Have Been Claiming?

clicWe all had a lot of toys growing up. There were board games, dolls, video games, and of course stuffed animals. Of course some were better than others, but there were always a few standouts that were unbelievably amazing. Mall Madness was one of these standouts. EbayMall Madness was a board game that came out in 1988 and was essentially based completely around shopping. The game is set in a two story shopping mall where players would have $150-$200 (depending on the version you were playing) to try to make purchases. EtsyThere would be surprise sales and clearances to


6 Facts About Reading Rainbow That You Won't Have To Take My Word For

Reading Rainbow was a fantastic series that I, like many others, spent many hours exploring the joys of literature with before running off to the local library to take out as many books as I could!The show seemed to have always been there, and in that time it touched the lives of kids all across America. Here are the interesting facts that you probably didn't know about one of the most colorful programs that is totally making a comeback today!The original show lasted for 26 yearsAmazonGoing on for more than two and a half decades is impressive by


Check Your Basement: These 13 Magic Cards Are Worth A Small Fortune

When Magic: The Gathering hit the scene in 1993, it changed the world of trading cards forever.Finally, there was a trading card game that older kids weren't embarrassed to be seen playing. Today, 20 million Magic players around the world are still collecting and trading their cards. But even if you've given up on the game, you might want to dig up your old collection.Certain magic cards are worth a bundle online. We've researched the average prices  for 13 of the most valuable cards (in good condition) on MTGPrices. See if any of these are tucked away


15 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were Alive In The 90s

The 90s was an interesting time. Everyone was wearing bright colors and their hair was perfectly crimped and tied up in a scrunchies. There were a lot of things that we had to do that kids today wouldn't understand in the least, but it's always hilarious to remember them. While we often remember them as simpler times, honestly, there were a lot of components that we had to keep track of. These are just some of the things those of us who lived through the 90s remember having to do.  1. Rewinding VHS tapes on a separate machineWikipedia2. Checking