
15 Toys You Loved As A Kid But Then Completely Forgot Existed

The best thing about being a kid is that you have roughly zero responsibilities. Sure, you need to go to school, but honestly that's pretty simple. The only thing that we really cared about was playing with our toys. You might think that because our only concern was those wonderful toys, that we would remember them all, but that's where you're wrong. Our brains have been filled with useless and boring facts like how to file our taxes and how to pay our bills, so all of our favorite toys have slipped away. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

Food and Snacks

Walmart Has Made Their Own Dunk-A-Roos And They Are Everything You've Been Missing

Growing up in the 90s meant you got to experience a lot of things. The peak of boy bands, Olsen twin mania, and a lot of plaid outfits. While we lived through all of these iconic moments we snacked on some pretty awesome things. Planters Cheez Balls were absolutely heaven sent Impulsive BuyCosmic Brownies were (and still are) the best part of your your lunchLittle DebbieKoolaid had flavors that we couldn't get enough of Eighties KidsIf you were lucky enough to get a Lunchables you were the envy of everyone in your classPopSugarCookie Crisp and Oreo O's cereal was somehow


Barbie's Extended Family Is Way Bigger Than You Realized, Chances Are You've Forgotten Half Of Them

We all remember Barbie of course. She is one of the most iconic toys in the world, and her presence makes any toy store feel familiar. The thing about Barbie is that because she's been around since 1959, there is a lot of history built up around the character. She's got a bunch of story lines, a big family, and a lot of friends that people have completely forgotten about. Even if you aren't currently collecting 5,000 Barbies, chances are you probably owned some when you were a kid. You might think you remember all of Barbies siblings, but


Founder Of Toys 'R' Us, Charles Lazarus, Has Passed Away At 94

Going to Toys 'R' Us was literally the highlight of our childhood. Each and everyone of us would run through those sliding doors and would immediately turn into little Tasmanian devils and tear through the store as though we had no knowledge of manners. The reason that we got to enjoy this epic experience was because of Charles Lazarus. Lazarus founded his company in 1948 and every since he has watched his company grow. That is, until this week. The first toy store he opened was not called Toys 'R' Us, but instead "Children's Bargain Town." He knew that the


Middle-Aged Man Has Collected Over 5,000 Barbies, And My Inner Child Is Getting Jealous

Collecting Barbies was basically the most important thing to me when I was a young girl. I probably had more than a dozen, and I loved each and every one of them. As I grew older, and I didn't want to play with Barbies anymore, I slowly let go of my collection, passing them down to younger cousins and selling them at garage sales. I don't have any left now, but sometimes when you see the commercials it gives you that little warm nostalgic feeling. One man however, went ahead and decided that his desire for nostalgia would trump all


KB Toys Announces Their Comeback After Toys 'R' Us Declares Bankruptcy

After we were all devastated by the news that our childhood heaven Toys 'R' Us was closing down, we thought that nothing could make our inner child happy. Honestly, Toys 'R' Us was the coolest place to go when you were little, and it sucks knowing that we won't be able to bring our kids there one day. But wait! There was one place that we loved going to just as much as Toys 'R' Us, maybe even more. KB Toys was the competitor to the popular brand, and while they went out of business in 2009, they are now


The Original Barbie Dream House Is Back And Our Inner Child Is Screaming With Joy

A lot of us grew up playing with our barbies. They were a way to explore the realms of our imagination and no matter what you think about Barbie's visual aesthetic, you've got to admit that being able to be creative with her story was pretty great for kids. Sure, her look has raised a lot of controversy, but the fact remains that a lot of us enjoyed playing with Barbies and had countless stories to go along with each one. I remember when I was a kid, one Christmas my parents brought my sister and I into the basement


They Told Us They Could Erase Pen, But It Turns Out Blue Erasers Have An Entirely Different Purpose

Going to class and using pen was a pretty confident move. What, you don't think you're going to make a mistake? I spell my own name wrong on a regular basis, how can you be so sure of yourself? Well, then came those blue erasers. The so-called pen erasers would help even those who are overconfident in their spelling abilities. In theory, they were supposed to remove the pen from your paper, or at least that's what we all thought. Instead, we would be left with torn paper and illegible notes. I was always terrified of writing in pen, so


20 Statements You Haven't Heard Since You Were A Kid That'll Flood Your Brain With Memories

Growing up, there are always phrases that are pretty specific to the time period. It's the same for every generation. There's always those statements that seem so relevant at the time, but looking back it feels ridiculous. Think about it, our parents didn't have flat screen TVs, a Nintendo, or the internet, those only became popular when we were kids. We are really lucky to have grown up in the time that we did, because we have gotten to experience the insanely fast technological advances that have been going on. Remember your first internet experience? You can probably still hear


There's A New MTV Clothing Line And We Can't Wait To Get Our Hands On It

Hands up if you spent your entire childhood glued to the TV watching all the videos on MTV. Pretty much all of you right? Perfect. Watching MTV was the best. You got to see all of the coolest music videos, which meant that you knew all the best songs, all the newest dance moves, and all the rad styles. As MTV evolved over the years, it kind of lost that magic that made it the go-to location for awesome music, and instead has turned into a reality TV station. Really the only reality show we wanted to watch was The