
Macaulay Culkin's New Look Has Landed Him A New Girlfriend

Macaulay Culkin seems to be coming back in a big way. For a few years everyone was getting a little bit worried about him, but now he seems to be doing just fine. He recently was spotted looking a lot better than he had in a long time. He has been filming the new movie Changeland, directed by his friend Seth Green, which seems to have brought Culkin back out of the shadows and into the spotlight. GalaIt's been a while since he was front and center in a movie. He's been spending a lot of his time doing voice

Pop Culture

15 Secondary Disney Characters Who Deserve To Have Their Own Movie

Disney seems to be going on this enormous reboot spree, turning all of their cartoons into live action versions. We can only be angry for so long before it gets exhausting, so instead, let's propose some other options for the mega-corporation! They have a lot of incredible properties that we loved as kids, but how about instead of remaking them completely, they flesh them out in some new ways. No, I am not talking more sequels, not exactly. What if they took the focus away from the main characters and instead gave it to the characters we really want to


10 Celebrities Banned From Saturday Night Live

We can all admit that Saturday Night Live is certainly not what it used to be. The current sketches are often dry, and the talent is nowhere near its prime. But that doesn't mean we don't tune in once in a while when a big-name celebrity hosts, just to see what might happen. If you watched in older seasons, however, it seemed like every week there was some controversial moment that made headlines. Some of them were behind the scenes, and even got celebrities banned. 1. Steven SeagalWikipediaThe action star was big in the 80s and 90s, and in 1991


The Commodore 64 Is Coming Back And We Need It

The retro gaming renaissance that has been going on lately is continuing to grow. We have seen the Sega come back, the original Nintendo, the Super Nintendo, and now we will have one more retro system to add to our collection: The Commodore 64. ClassicCMPThe Commodore 64 is actually a Guinness World Record holder for being the highest-selling computer of all time. Estimates say that it has sold somewhere between 10-17 million units. It was more affordable than a lot of the others on the market, and it also had some pretty awesome games made for it! YouTubeThe new system


The Strange Story Behind The Tetris Theme Song - Including Its Original Lyrics

If you grew up in the '80s or '90s, you can probably still see the iconic Tetris blocks falling when you close your eyes.Abandonware DosThe classic puzzle game of matching blocks and disappearing lines has a long and strange history that stretches throughout the final years of the Cold War. Tetris was originally created by Alexey Pajitnov, an artificial intelligence researcher at Moscow's Soviet Academy of Sciences.Pajitnov and his son.Pajitnov was working at the Academy's Computer Center in 1984, and would test the new hardware's strength by designing simple games. His creations were shared between departments, and

Pop Culture

10 Things You Didn't Know About E.T. That Will Make You Want To Phone Home

This wonderful classic captured the hearts of people around the world. I think we all remember reaching for the tissues when the young Elliot lost his friend. Directed by Steven Spielberg, it tells the story of a young boy named Elliott who is struggling to cope with his parents' divorce. He lives with his single mother, older brother and younger sister. His life gets more interesting when he discovers an alien life-form that was left behind after coming to Earth to study our planet. His attempts to hide the creature fail and eventually the government learns of his existence. E.


15 Facts About Baywatch - Your Dad's Favorite TV Show

Of all our beloved '90s shows, it's pretty surprising that Baywatch is getting the most attention these days. A new remake hit theaters this summer, while a musical inspired by the show debuts in London next year.MirrorThey can never measure up to the cheesy goodness of the original show, but we can't blame them for trying. Here are 15 facts about the original hit series:1. Breast implants caused continuity errors Yes, it's the kind of problem that would only come up on the set of Baywatch. According to producers, actress Nicole Eggert (who played Summer Quinn) was very


7 Electrifyin' Facts You Didn't Know About John Travolta

John Travolta is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. His career has survived some big successes, some notorious flops and everything in between. Whether you are a fan or not, he has been around forever and lived an interesting life. Parmount PicturesTravolta started acting back in 1972, but even though he has been around for so long, there is a lot people don't seem to know about him. Here are 7 interesting facts about the famous actor. He released a hit songKiwireReportWhen Travolta was 22 he debuted a single called "Let Her In". It managed to get all the