
7 Fundraisers We All Were Forced To Participate In When We Were Kids Whether We Wanted To Or Not

Being a kid was pretty awesome about 99% of the time. There was always those few moments where it would be nice to be all grown up, but for the most part being a kid was the best. There was one thing that we had to do as kids that was pretty polarizing: Fundraisers.World's Finest ChocolateSome kids hated them, others loved them. Schools would send us home with some kind of item to sell and we would have to wander around the neighborhood collecting names and pledges to make the field trip happen or get that new


10 Completely 'Essential' Things You Absolutely Needed For School

As an adult "summer vacation" doesn't mean the same thing that it used to when we were kids. Before, we would get two months off to play outside, watch cartoons and bike around the block before thinking about getting school supplies. Now, we are honestly just feeling nostalgic for those amazing 90s schools supplies we all wanted. Back-to-school season seems to start earlier every year, but kids today have no idea what they are missing. Our school supplies were just so much better. Well, maybe not better, but definitely a lot more bizarre. We honestly spent so much money on


20 Playgrounds That Absolutely Should Not Exist

You would think designing a playground would be a fun task. Trying to figure out what makes kids happy while keeping them safe is a tough balance but it seems like something that would be an alright job. As it turns out, it's a lot harder than you might think. There's a lot of things that can go VERY wrong. Sometimes the theory of a play structure sounds great, but when you actually build it the result is something less than stellar. These playgrounds are reminiscent of those horrifying abandoned theme parks we looked at before, except they don't have


10 Elementary School Situations You Dreaded, But Which Was Really The Worst? (Poll)

Everyone who successfully survives elementary school and middle school really deserve a special award. Some kind of honor bestowed upon them other than just graduating because it really is a crazy time. There are endless amounts of issues you face, not to mention the piles of homework, all while going through puberty? Just seems cruel doesn't it. We all faced a lot of problems growing up, but which do you think was worse?It's time to play a game and find out which was the worst thing we all managed to survive. How did your opinions compare? School was hard


13 Of The Most Important Games You Absolutely Played During Recess

There was no time more sacred than recess. I mean, it was so important they made a TV called Recess. But it wasn't just that we wanted a break from all those long division problems and spelling tests, we had important things to do!We all treasured recess as kids but what made it so special? The games obviously! We had to find ways to keep busy before cellphones were a thing! Whether it was using the play structures, jumping rope, or playing tag, there are so many games we played at recess that almost make you wish you could


15 Things We Had Before "Fidget Spinners" Were A Thing

When we were kids, we didn't have all these fidget spinners to flip around in our hands, but that doesn't mean that we didn't have something to play with! We had to keep our hands busy somehow and our ways were obviously the best. We had a bunch of different things to play with, each of them just as ridiculous as the ones they make now! I mean, some of these didn't even really do anything but we still collected them like crazy! How many do you remember? 1. Crazy BonesThese were essentially just plastic little figures that you would


The 10 Worst Possible Things That Could Ever Happen To You At School

Being a kid was pretty great. We got to play all the time, we had no bills, and our responsibilities were limited to making our beds. However, we never appreciated it at the time. Instead we would whine and complain all about how tragic our lives were and how unfair everything was. There were so many things that the mean adults would do that made our lives just totally awful and it's hard to understand how we survived. Some things were pretty brutal, so if you are brave enough to relive the trauma, check out the list below. Next time


Turns Out You've Been Singing These Kids' Songs Wrong Your Whole Life

When you were in school, the teachers had a series of songs that they would get you sing as a group right? You would go through usually a very short and simple song over and over so everyone would learn it and it would just be a fun exercise in between lessons. What none of us realized was that we were only getting the first verses of the songs and there was actually a whole lot more to them! Whether it's London Bridge or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, there are actually more verses to the song that everyone has just


10 Search Engines From The 90s That Make Us Grateful For Google

Before Google became the ruler of the internet, the competition for top search engine was pretty fierce. It seemed like there was an endless array of options, all attempting to be better than the next. There were many with a gimmick, a lot of really bad ones, and even a few that are still around today! Do you remember a time before Google? If so, you probably used one of these. 1. DogpileBecause back then it was important to have an "Ebay Auctions" button on the side for easy access. Also instead of "search" you would click "fetch", which always


10 Things That Guaranteed You Were Going To Have The Best School Day Ever

Going to school in the nineties was a much simpler time. No one had a cell phone, no one had Facebook and everyone had frosted tips. There were a few days that were just so much better than others and it seemed as though there was a common thread. Whether you loved gym class or the special events in the library, there was a something for everyone. Here are 10 of the best possible things that could happen to a 90s kid at school. 1. Walking into the room and seeing this: 2. When these would be passed out3. When