So's Reel Thoughts


10 Robin Williams Moments That Will Keep His Legacy Alive Forever

So's Reel Thoughts

America's most beloved comedian and actor passed away a few years ago, but his comedic legacy will always remain. Williams acted in some of his best works in the 1990s, such as Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, Dead Poet's Society, Good Morning Vietnam, Patch Adams, and the list goes on and on and on.

Here are 10 extraordinary times Williams made us cry with laughter.

When he became Mrs. Doubtfire and had a blast cleaning his ex-wife's house.

I'm still trying to learn those dance moves.

The time when he impersonated famous people in Dead Poet's Society.

We were impressed and laughing at the same time.

And the time when he said things we barely understood, but it was still funny.

He also had the most hilarious apologies, like this one...

And this one.

Oh, there's more ...

He made other people laugh in his movies, which made us laugh too.

Let's not forget the time he appeared in the famous TV sitcom Friends and he stole the show.

Williams can make his audience, literally, erupt in laughter with his comedy sketches.

If you've never laughed about a natural disaster, this may be the only time you will.  

Also, his improvisations are incredible.

He doesn't require a script, he is the script.  

Last, but not least, the time when Williams explained to James Lipton how his mind works, which left us all speechless.

This video is eight minutes of comedic brilliance!

What is your favorite Robin Williams moment?