
20 Iconic Cars You Were Obsessed With As A Kid And Absolutely Wished You Could Drive

Watching TV as a kid it was easy to realize one simple thing: Cars were pretty important. It seemed like so many of our favorite TV shows and movies had a car that we immediately became obsessed with. How many of these iconic cars do you remember? 1. Fred Flintstone's CarABC2. George Jetson's Space CarABC3. BatmobileWarner Bros. 4. Homer Simpson's CarFox5. The DeLoreanUniversal Pictures6. Cher's JeepParamount PIctures7. Mr. Bean's CarITV8. The A-Team VanNBC9. KITTNBC10. Mystery MachineHanna-Barbera ProductionsThere are even more iconic cars to remember! Click to the next page to see the rest.11. Herbie the LovebugDisney-ABC12. Ghostbusters Ecto 1


25 Shows So Good We'd Actually Spend Time With Our Families To Watch Them

Watching TV with the family was pretty much a daily requirement for most of us. Whether it was watching the evening sitcoms with your parents after dinner, or the daytime soaps with Grandma, TV was a big part of our childhoods. TriStar PicturesThere were so many shows that we watched with our families that were beyond our understanding. Sure, a lot of cartoons added in some adult humor that we missed, but often times these shows were specifically intended for grown ups. Our parents were okay with us watching them as long as it was with them and that was


11 Monkey Movies That Made You Go Bananas As A Kid

Animals are pretty much the best thing on the planet. Whether you are referring to a house pet, a farm animal or even a fictional cartoon, nine times out of ten, the animal is going to steal the show. There are of course a lot of dog movies out there that we all know and love, but have you ever realized just how many monkey movies there really are? Maybe it's because genetically we feel so connected to them, or maybe it's just because they are so cute. Either way, monkeys are everywhere and it is AWESOME! Here are some

Pop Culture

10 Movies No Studio Would Agree To Make Today

Times are really different now, especially when it comes to the film industry. People are much more aware of what is offensive and socially acceptable. The problem is, movies and TV shows live on forever so we have the record of what really happened. Even cartoons had a lot of content in them that would now be thought of as offensive, but when they were made it was acceptable. Did you ever notice these things when you were young? 1. The Siamese cat part in Lady and the TrampDisneyThe accent that these cats have definitely wouldn't fly these days. 2.


20 Amazing Sitcom Dads You Secretly Wished Were Yours

Having a good dad is important when you are a kid. There is a lot of stuff that your dad (or surrogate dad) can teach you and it's important to acknowledge him properly. Because we all grew up watching way too much TV, we probably spent a fair amount of time with some fictional dads. Let's give some recognition to those TV dads who brought us so much joy over the years! There are a bunch of great dads, and some so-bad-they-are-good dads that we all grew up with who deserve as much praise as we can give them. Check


Almost 40 Years Later The Stars Of This Classic Commercial Reunited

If you grew up in the 70s or 80s you'll instantly recognize this classic ad for Coca-Cola.The commercial, which features Pittsburgh Steelers star "Mean" Joe Greene giving his jersey to a young fan, has become one of the most famous Superbowl ads of all time. To this day, fans of Greene's still repeat his famous line "Hey kid, catch!" and he's probably more famous for the 60 second ad than his actual football career.That's why last year CBS surprised the athlete by reuniting him with actor Tommy Okon, who played the fan in the commercial when he was


The Craziest Things Movies Have Done To Get The Perfect Shot

Every movie needs a director, and every director has a vision for the movie. While most things can be left to the skills of the actors or the special effects crew, sometimes the perfect shot needs a higher level of creativity. Not all of these were the best idea (in fact some of it may have been abuse) but no one can deny that the directors of these movies were able to do something incredible, with a little bit of ingenuity. Rocky IVQueensland TimesEven though Rocky ends up winning this one, the final fight against Ivan Drago nearly cost Stallone