
Which of These 90s Collectibles Was Your Addiction?

It was never easy to keep up with what was cool when you were a kid, because as soon as you figured it out it would change. There were so many options and they all came out so fast it was impossible to keep track. Whether it was the latest McDonald's toy, the newest cards to collect, or a new doll, keeping up with the trends was exhausting. How many do you you remember collecting? 1. Puppy In My Pocket were a cheap (and useless) collectible we all had2. Furby was everywhere3. Anything with aliens on it was a must4.


Rollerblades Were The Greatest Form Of Transportation In The 90s, And Here's Proof

Admit it, in the 90s, there was nothing cooler than owning a pair of rollerblades. Everyone had to have them. Every kid had them at the top of their Christmas list, and every adult was rushing out to the store to pick up a pair. They came in pretty rad colors, had these intense buckles, and when you wore them you felt like you could move faster than anyone. People wearing inline skates would rocket past you on the sidewalk, making anyone who didn't have them super jealous because they were stuck walking like chumps. It started with athletes, turning


Inflatable Chairs Are Coming Back So You Can Have The 90s Bedroom You Always Wanted

If you were a kid in the 90s, then chances are a house filled with inflatable furniture was your greatest dream. I remember thinking about what it would be like to get my first apartment when I was young, and I figured that a house full of inflatable furniture was an economical option. Granted, I was only nine years old and didn't really think about how uncomfortable that would be. It didn't matter anyway, because by the time I was old enough to have an apartment, inflatable furniture was a thing of the past. Triboo ClubIt's fine, we could live


The Hair-Raising History Of How Trolls Became One Of The Longest-Lasting Toy Trends

I think we can all agree that looking back on our childhoods makes us reevaluate some of our obsessions. Did we need all of those Beanie Babies? Probably not. Did we need every POG available? Probably not. Was Tickle Me Elmo really worth the effort our parents put in? I guess not. But those things were just short little trends that passed by in a few short years. There was another toy, one that's even weirder than a game based on cardboard disks that managed to last for decades, and is making its comeback now: Trolls. Troll dolls seemed like


25 Pages Of The 1994 JC Penny Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like You Traveled Through Time

While we were all busy flipping through the WishBook every year, they weren't the only exciting catalog we would find in our mailbox. While it may not have been our first choice, the JC Penny catalog was a close second when it came to making your Christmas lists. Honestly, our moms probably loved it more than anyone else, because where else would they find the latest fashion trends? Whether you needed a new velvet dress, a snappy business jacket, or a brightly colored hat, JC Penny was the first place on the shopping list. As for us kids, it was


7 Things Everyone Who Has Ever Watched An '80s Aerobics Video Knows To Be True

The 80s were all about sweatbands, leg warmers, and spandex so tight that it was essentially a second skin. There was this intense workout craze that exploded in popularity, and all of our moms were watching videos or listening to records in the living rooms doing leg lifts and step kicks to some upbeat music. We all remember it, whether we were kids watching our moms or actually the ones doing them ourselves, those 80s workout videos and records were absolutely iconic. If you lived through it, you remember exactly what it was really like. 1. You needed the perfect


33 Toys You Definitely Owned If You Were Born In The '80s

We all have our favorite '80s toys, but some were so popular that they seemed to be in every home in America.If you're an '80s kid, we'd be shocked to learn you didn't own these toys:1. Fisher Price Medical KitArkham_Retirement / RedditDon't be surprised if you notice a lot of Fisher Price on this list. The toy company dominated the market in this decade, and one of their most popular sets was this doctor's bag.It had everything you needed to play doctor, and give the family dog a checkup.2. PopplesThe Mary SueThe Popples were designed by


Woman Proves She Still Wears Her 90s Bridesmaid Dress After Bride Apologizes For Them

You know how every single bride says that they pick their bridesmaid dresses because they could "easily wear them again?" Well, finally a bride has admitted she was wrong but her bridesmaid had the best response imaginable. Tammi Sauer took to Facebook to celebrate her anniversary, but at the same time she apologized to the bridesmaids at her wedding. She wrote "These two 22-year-olds are celebrating 22 years of marriage! Hubba hubba. My apologies for those dresses, ladies." Tammi SauerThe handmade dresses were based on a pattern because the bride's distinct vision wasn't available in stores. “Apparently, not everyone in


13 Things That Every 80s Girl Will Immediately Recognize

If you grew up in the 80s, you are pretty lucky. Everything was just totally radical in the 80s! We had the coolest hair, the best slang and obviously all the best clothes. It's safe to say we grew up in the best decade. Being a girl in the 80s had a lot of perks too. We had a bunch of cool stuff that kids today wouldn't understand. How many of these things do you recognize? PopplesEbayFor some reason the idea of a toy that could fold up into a little ball was super appealing to us? Charm BraceletsEbayThey were